Chapter 20 : preparation

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Rye povs

I told Andy to stay in our bedroom while I prepare everything for the date. I also told him to get changed in an outfit that he likes, because no matter what he wears, I'll love it. In fact, I love him.

So, for the "at-home-super-romantic-date" preparations, I ordered some white roses, white wine, a pink and blue set of napkins, because Andy told me these are his favourite colours. I'm gonna cook for us tonight!

After half an hour of decoration, I go see Andy upstairs. He has taken my guitar and is singing with his voice that is literally coming from heaven :

What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling...

I walk slowly in the room, sit on our bed in front of the chair he's sitting on. I start harmonizing with him and the result is perfect :

What if I'm down? What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.

Before the complete end of the song, I can't contain myself anymore and I kiss him. Passionately, to show him how much I love him, I kiss his perfectly soft lips. The kiss is amazing and I pull out and hug him. We stay like that, in a complete but confortable silence, for like ten minutes.

-"Is it ready?" he whispers in my ear, his head on my shoulder.

-"Not yet, but I wanted to see you" I say before tickling him.

He starts laughing and I kiss each of his dimples everytime they pop out. These are the most beautiful things I've ever Seen. They add a little something to his already gorgeous smile. Everytime his little dimples disappear, I make him laugh or tickle him to see them again.

After that, he takes my big hands in his adorable baby ones and plays with my fingers. I smile at his cuteness before I kiss him goodbye, to make food for the date.

I hope he likes it!

So there's only one chapter and the epilogue left....

Hope you liked it, vote and comment if you did.

Love y'all ❤️

-Laurence (aka Lalu)

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