The Necklace aka chapter 4

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"Come"Larry pulled me towards the dance area

"What why?"I asked d


"Food delicious after a good workshop"


"No buts just dance"


Larry has been helping me get the moves down. It was hard but doable. Laurent try to be funny and throw a split into the choreo but to his surprise I can too. It was fun cracking jokes and playing till...

My feet got twisted and i fell against the hard floor. I tried to get up brush it off but a pain shot up in my ankle.

" are you okay "Larry asked rushing over

I bit my lip and nodded and tried wave him off so he could continue class.

But instead he lifted me bridal style and carry me to a table. I just shook my head.He looked at Laurent who got everyone's attention and restarted class.

Larry grabbed my foot causing a sharp pain to shoot up my leg once again. I couldn't hold back the whimper.

"Sorry" he apologized then examined my foot then pulled my sweat pants leg up to get a better look making my anklet aka the necklace which is probably caught on to the fabric fall down

He paused then slowly looked up at me "Where.. where did you get this?"

"I got this when very little. "

"When? "

"When I was around the age 9 or 10 I believe"

" Where "he asked again

"..... When I used to live.. .In a foster home"

thinking of it makes my heart hurt more than the pain in my ankle.

" Why "I asked also wanting answers

" because my brother and I... have the other pieces"

Remember Me. ( les twins) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now