chapter 6 go home with you

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-another update around 1

I started to walk home from the party since it was getting late. I was tired of hearing my shoes because my feet ache from dancing all those hours.*rustle*  slowly I stopped and turned but seen nothing. Oh no this is that Jason Freddy Kruger Chucky kind of mess. Walking again I feel like someone is approaching me from behind so again I turn still nothing 'calm your paranoid self down' my conscience told my heart. Turning around to start walking again "Boo!"Larry yells. I nearly jumped out of my skin and slipped backwards. Larry quickly wrap his arms around my waist .he smiled and sang " scaredy cat" I looked at him like he was crazy and started to laugh" I might be" i wanted to be mad at him but his bunny smile was just too adorable

He grins harder

"why did you leave the party"

"to find you"

" what you miss me"I say batting my lashes

" maybe" he lets go and laughs

We walk down the street talking "so where you going" he asked "home what about you ""to my best friends house." When I reached home Larry asked could he come in without hesitation I said yes leaving my shoes by the door. I asked did he want a drink or was he hungry

"Oh yes you cook good? "

"Do i  cook good? I'm going to change and cook you a 5-star meal "


10 minutes later

I came downstairs larry was knocked out on the couch he looked at peace.

Tiptoeing to the kitchen I started my five star dish. the scent filled house he's going to love it just a pinch of salt


" what the? "Larry resting his head on my shoulder he had sleepy puppy eyes

" hello Prince Charming sleep well? "

"Yes but it could be better"

" the plates are up there" I pointed to the cabinets

" I'm not hungry"

"What ?!?"

" I just wanted to stay longer with you "

"Aww but you're going to eat this tomorrow even if I have to spoon feed you"

"Yes mori"he say in the crook of my neck

I put everything in the fridge for tomorrow then gave him a blanket so that he could sleep on the couch he thanked me and tucked himself in halfway up the stairs" if you are still cold you can....sleep in the room with me"I say

Laying in the bed watching TV and reading .My cracks open" mori you're still awake"larry asks poking his head through

"Yes " he walked in and jumped onto the bed"cold? "I asked laying my book down on the nightstand"no lonely"he reats his hand on my lap"Happy now?" "Alittle"

His eyes moved down.

"You not cold?"

"No why"

"You barely have any clothes"his hand gazes the thin fabric

"Its a night grown"

He hand touched mine.

"You feel cold to"

He sits up and looks at me head on.

"You lips"

"My lips?"

"Look cold too"he leans closer

"Really?"I lighty touch them

"I got it"he took my hand and intertwine our fingers and kisse

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