Can you belive?

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Jaune nervously walked towards ozpins office. He had just beat Weiss in 45 seconds, using anakins skill with the lightsaber. He smirked slightly remembering Weiss's shocked face when he beat her. Stuck up bitch. Anyways he walked into the elevator. What was he supposed to say!! His friends were too busy being happy he was back, they didn't notice that about everything about him had changed!
From his eye color to his personality! Now ozpin would call him out and how was Jaune supposed to explain! Oh I just got posses by a few ghost no worry! The door opened, and he saw goodwitch, and ozpin.
Ozpin: ah yes, mr.arc, please take a seat.
He sat down
Ozpin: now, care to explain your changes?
Jaune: growing?
Ozpin: your hair changed colors.
Jaune : its dyed
Ozpin: and your voice?
Jaune: just got deeper.
Ozpin: and your eye color
Jaune: shit
Ozpin: exactly, what happened to you mr arc?
Jaune: nothing,
Goodwitch: we know something happened! Tell us or we will make you!!
Ozpin: glynda!! Please control yourself! Now, I will have to ask you to step out.
Goodwitch: headmaster!
Ozpin: glynda, not arguing.
Goodwitch bows her head and walks out.
Ozpin: now, please explain, anakin.
Jaune jumps back
Jaune: what?
Ozpin smiles as a ghost appears next to Jaune
Anakin: he's smart.
Jaune: how did you know anakin?
Ozpin: well, a certainty Jedi grand master decided to say hi.
Anakin: Yoda spoke to you?
Ozpin: that's his name! He told me to look for a student of mine, who would come to class, stronger then ever, and with a new soul.
Anakin: man, Was Yoda always that cryptic?
Ozpin: anyways, I called you here to tell you to not tell anyone about your new abilities.
Jaune: why?
Ozpin: they won't understand. They also might complain to there parents who it you being too powerful. With the abilities of a Jedi master.
Anakin cheers at this
Ozpin: what? Was it something I said?
Anakin seems to smile and look off in the distance
Anakin: Jedi master!
Ozpin: anyways, the news will spread to all over. And our enemies will try to recruit you to there side.
Jaune : our enemies?
Ozpin: the Grimm, have a queen. She once was a beautiful and my wife.
A long long long long long long long explanation later
Jaune: well, shit.
Ozpin: that's what we're up against.  Now, please go to your dorm and go to sleep, you have classes tomorrow after all.

Jaune looks at the clock,
Jaune: Shit! It's already 12!
Ozpin: Language!

Jaune runs out, running past goodwitch, who yelled at him to stop, but he continued on. Running to his old dorm, his teams dorm. Jaune hesitated by the door. Did he want to open it? Face his team, those who shunned and bullied him? But he needed his stuff, he really didn't want to sleep on the roof with no blankets. He opened the door.
Pyyhra: Jaune?
He ignores her and goes to grab his things.
Pyyhra: Jaune? Please don't ignore me.
Jaune grabs his stuff and tries to leave.
Pyyhra: Jaune!! Listen to me!!
Jaune: what do you want!?!?
Pyyhra: I want to know that your okay!!
This wakes up Ren and Nora.
Nora: Jaune, where are you going?
Jaune: going to sleep!!
Ren: your bed is over there.
Jaune: well actually, ever since YOU guys kicked me out of the dorm, I sleep on the roof, so fuck you.
Nora: please, Jaune stay!
This draws team RWBY out
Yang: guys, what's going on?
She is Ignored
Jaune: no, you made yourselves perfectly clear last time we talked. You don't want me around you! And frankly, I don't want to be around. You either!

He goes to leave.
Pyyhra: No!!
She reaches her hand out, subconsciously activating her semblance. Jaunes right arm is incases in some black aura. And he is sent flying
Jaune: AH!!
This launches Jaune, dragging him by his arm down the hall into the wall.
Ruby: JAUNE!
She runs to him, but is pushes back by some invisible force.
Jaune stands up, clenching his teeth.
Jaune: stay away!!
Yang: Hey! Don't talk to her like that!!!
Jaune: and what are you going to do to stop me!!
Yang tries to size up Jaune, but notices he is much taller then her, and back down.
Jaune goes to leave, but your grabs his gloves arm, taking it off. Everyone gasps as Jaunes mechanical arm is out.
Pyyhra: Jaune? What happened?
Jauen doesn't reply, he just grabs his glove, puts is back on and leaves.
Ruby: Jaune what happened to you?!

Jaune: I grew up

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