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Jaunes current Bio
Robes: anakins robes with a little bit of white
Eyes: one orange and one blue
Weapons: anakins lightsaber, Luke's lightsaber, Palpatines lightsaber, mauls double bladed lightsaber, The darksaber, Obiwans lightsaber.
Face: scar over his right eye(anakins)
Hair: brown with blond highlights
Limbs: mechanical right arm, mechanical legs
Clothes: under robes, think Mauls clothes.
Onto the story!

Jaune woke up in the beacon hospital. Jaune looked around to see the same nurse that had been serving him every time he was there.
Jaune: we have to stop meeting like this friend.
He gets up and walks to the door.
Nurse: Oh! Headmaster Ozpin asked me to tell you, he want you in his office.
Jaune nods and walks out. He began to walk towards Opzins office, and noticed he was getting weird looks.
Jaune: what are they on about?
He shrugs it off and walks into the elevator.
Maul: they are going to want to know what you saw, in the vision.
Jaune: and?
Maul: they can't know.
The elevator dings and Jaune walks out into ozpins office. Inside standings around ozpin's desk are ironwood, goodwitch, qrow, and 2 hunters, who closed off his exit. Ozpin nodded at them.
Jaune: what is this for?
Ozpin: mr arc, you conducted a vision did you not?
Jaune: yes. I did.
Ironwood; and what did you see? Anything specific, like Salem maybe?
Jaune: I'm not sure I understand.
Qrow: what information on Salem did you get from that vision!!
Jaune chuckles darkly, causing more then a few confused glances to be thrown at him.
Jaune: you think I did that to find information on Salem! Funny.
Qrow: what else would you do it for! And who was that guy you fought!
Jaune: oh Qrow. That was just Razor, he really did need to be taught a lesson.
Goodwitch: you killed a man!
Jaune: blood is spilled in war.
Ironwood: then you leave us no choice! Sam, Jack, detain him!
Opzin: James!! Don't!
But it was too late, the 2 huntsman attempted to grab Jaune. But he flips over them. They turn aorudn as he ignites Kenobis saber.
Jaune: hello there!
The hunter named Sam takes a gun out, and sets it to stun. He fires at Jaune. Who slashes the projectiles out of the air. Jack set back and begins to charge something up. Sam takes a foibles bladed sword and Attacks Jaune. Who goes on the defensive. Sam Then jumps back and jack fires some sort of projectile at Jaune. As he blocks it, it explodes sending him flying out of the window into the courtyard below. This draws the attention of majority of the students, who rush out to see what's happening. Jaune softens his fall using the force, as the 2 huntsman run down to reengage him.
Ozpin: ironwood! Stop this!
Ironwood: he needs to be detained!
Jaune steps back, waving his lightsaber.
Jaune: your move.
Jack: you fool! We have been trained in the huntsman arts, by general ironwood!
They get there weapons out
Sam: attack Arc!
Jaune smiles and turns his weapon off, taking his hand back.
Jack rushes at him, but Jaune pushes his hand forward. Throwing jack across the courtyard using the force. Sam attempts to attack Jaune as well. But he is stoped when Jaune takes his hand Out and waves it in front of Sams  face.
Jaune: you don't want to help ironwood.
Sam: I don't want to help ironwood
Jaune: you want to go home and rethink your life.
Sam: I want to go home and rethink my life.
He drops his weapon and leaves. Jack gets up and draws 2 swords. And gets in a stance.
Jack: you must realize you are doomed.
Jaune: oh I don't think so!
Jaune slashes at jack, who blocks and kicks Jaune away. Jaune dashes at jack, and fake slashes. Opting to kick him instead.  Jack send another projectile at Jaune, and it expellees sending him over the edge. He barley holds on as Jaune walks forward, preparing to capture Jaune. He force pulls sams gun to him and shoots jack in the chest, using a stun shot. Jack falls to the ground. Jaune gets up and walks to a bulkhead, the crowd basically parting for him. He gets on and throws his gun

Jaune: so uncivilized.

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