I jumped from the sound of a gunshot, "Ah what the fuck Tarry! Fuck I tell yo ass bout playin' wit ma gat. You on dirt!" I snickered at the lil argument they were having next door.
I laid back down and stretched immediately getting a Charlie horse, "AH FUCK!" "Now who the fuck is that yelling like a bitch. Ya niggas tweaking." One of the niggas next door said. I clenched my calf and kept rolling all over the bed in pain until it stopped. I rolled my eyes and checked my phone. There were no calls nor texts from my god-mom--I wasn't surprised. She couldn't give one fuck about me even if I was dead.
I walked to the bathroom relieved that my ankle wasn't swollen anymore. I laid in the tub and rolled up another blunt and smoked it again, "Fuck it, imma smoke all my pain away.." After some puffs I looked around the bathroom that started to seem like it was melting. I laughed then smiled at the pink cat sitting on the toilet, "You wanna hit it too Mr. Kit-Kat? Or you just here to see my kit-kit....HAHA!" I giggled hysterically, "I can rappppppppuhhhhh.."
"Oh shit, I know I got some chips from earlier.." I suddenly jumped up and ran butt naked out the bathroom grabbing them, then ate the chips in the tub. When I finally was done I stared at my red eyes in the mirror, "Damn, I'm not smoking..ever again." I put on my other and only, pair of jeans I brung. I frowned at how it showed my shape in the mirror. I left my room taking my phone and card with me.
I peaked into the next door apartment and was relieved that it was just two fat niggas in there instead of the two I saw last night. I still watched my back and made sure my pocket knife was still in my hoodie.
𝗰𝗮𝗳𝗲... I walked into the cafe and it was pretty ghetto. The cereal was kinda stale and so was the bagels. I didn't bother to look at the other foods and just grabbed a yogurt from the fridge then stopped by the sound of wrappers. I eyed the nigga shovin pop tarts in his pants, "Omg i ain know they had that!"
I stood there waiting as he stood there choosing which ones to take, "Mmcht, on bro if you don't hurry yo ass up man." I said getting irritated. He turned around and gave me a cold ass stare, I gave him a cold stare back. I been through way too much shit for me to be scared of some nigga, "Rush me again and is gone be one of those." He threw a piece of the pop tart at my forehead and walked off.
I sat down about two tables diagonal from him. I stomped on a roach and sighed before sitting down, "Ghetto ass place." It was only me and the dude in the cafe. He kept side-eyeing me like I can't see him--wit that big ass nose piercing.
I focused my attention on the Tv which was casting the Chicago local news, "A group of young men were found fleeing the scene after this tragic incident of shooting up a club, right here in Chicago Illinois." I shook my head as I peeped the nigga shake his head too. I guess we both noticed and I mugged at him as he followed up with shooting me a bird.
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He finally got up and left. Except he didn't go to a room--he just walked out, off into the distance. I wondered where he could have went. I realised I was by myself and quickly placed the food into my hoodie rushing out. It was still bright and early so I decided to go out and use my god-moms card. I walked down a long alleyway and felt the feeling of being followed.
I finally turned around and felt a hard blow hit my face. I was suddenly being robbed as they continuously yelled, "Gimme yo fuckin money blood!" I was being dragged around and they grabbed my book bag dumping my things out of it. Out of frustration they started to beat on me since they didn't find anything valuable.
Soon my phone fell out and they snatched it up running away, "Im finna sell this bitch!" I started to cry picking up my things. Most of them were wet from being thrown in a puddle. I shoved them back into my bag and huffed at the fact that my strap was now broken. I tied to the loop at the top of my book bag which made it uncomfortable to wear.
I walked into a store and into a bathroom rinsing my face. My face wasn't too bad since I blocked my face the whole time but my sides hurt badly and my ribs hurt making it painful each time I breathed. I walked for a while looking for a store to get a new book bag or new clothes.
I finally got into a store and grinned at the drawstring bags and clothing they had. I grabbed the bag and started to shove clothes in it. I immediately was caught and I was chased out the store. When I lost them I paused next to a building to catch my breath. It was a terrible idea to run and my sides hurt bad. I felt like I was going to die trying to catch my breath.
I somehow found my way back into the motel and collapsed onto my bed. I spread out the clothes I stole and sighed at the fact that only 4 pieces of clothing fit me. Its funny how I have money but still feel the need to steal. I stared at the oversized coat I managed to grab on my way out. I decided to still wear it for warmth and passed out onto the bed.
I woke up and took another shower smoking yet again another blunt. I frowned at the fact that it was my last one. I started to think I developed an addiction, but it was the only way I could escape my pain. I then realised it was a Monday and I was still at the motel. I rushed out packing my stuff only taking what I need and leaving the things I didn't. I started to think about how much trouble I could get in for being gone for so long. And how I've probably missed first period.
𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲... When I finally got home it was almost the afternoon, I eyed the police in front of my house, "Oh honey!" She looked like a social worker, "Sweetie we have really bad news...your god-mother died just this morning." My eyes went wide and felt like she just stabbed me, "Wha-what? H-how?"
"She was shot at a club and when she went to go seek medical attention, she couldn't make it.." I thought back to the Tv in the motel and started to cry—but not because of that saggy titty ass bitch, fuck that bitch. It was because now I didn't have a place to go.
"Im so sorry sweetie.." She gave me hug and started to lead me to a car. She had papers in her hand and talked with someone else, "She didnt leave the poor girl anything under her will." She whispered but I still heard, "What a surprise..."
She put her hands to her side and I could visibly see her documents: "Michelle's Group Home Facility..name: Egypt A. Brown...age: 16...DOB: 5/15/03" My heart dropped and my first thought was to run—and thats what I did.