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𝗘𝗴𝘆𝗽𝘁 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻 || 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗴𝗼, 𝗜𝗟

I looked at the woman in front of me with tears in her eyes. She looked alot like me except a little lighter. Her long black hair was pressed nicely while she had a nice flowing blue dress on. Some thing was wrong but I couldn't figure out what, "Sean don't fucking yell at her!" She said, referring to me. Sean looked very familiar.

"Imma yell at her if I want to. I wouldn't be yelling in this bitch if you stayed yo ass HERE." She jumped at the sound of his voice, "How many times I gotta tell you...stop pissin me off." He got close then suddenly yanked her to the floor by her hair. He pulled his fist back and was gonna get ready to punch her but I ran towards him.

"Stop stop!" I grabbed him by the neck and tugged him to floor. I wasn't as strong as I thought because he let go of my grip and pushed me to the floor. The woman quickly got up punching him in the face and scooped me up. She ran into a room and started to shake as she put me down, "Whatever happens baby, just know I love you ok? Don't cry please-."

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR." He pounded on it hard making us jump. She kissed my forehead and was shaking badly. She opened the door and was quickly grabbed and the door was slammed shut.

"Sean don't do this please-...Let..go!" I heard lots of struggling until it suddenly stopped. There was a long pause until he opened the door walking towards me.

I suddenly jumped and rose up from the bench I slept on, rubbing my back. My eyes were wet and I didn't know what time it was but it looked like midnight. My head hurt bad so I picked up my things and decided to head towards my school. I knew they had showers there and I probably could sleep in the library or something.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝗺𝗽:)
I went to the back of the building and the door still had the keys in it. I unlocked it and walked in keeping the keys. I ran around until I got to the locker rooms. The doors were locked but I didn't know which key went where. The first key that finally worked went to the boy's locker room. I placed my stuff on a bench taking my clothes off. I laid against the wall as the water fell on me and cried, "I wish you were here mommy..."

I woke up to someone calling my name, "Egypt what the hell! Wake up child!" I flinched and quickly pulled my knife out on her, out of reflex. "You better get that knife out my face." I put the knife away noticing it was Mrs. Kruger. She was the Library teacher and I glanced around realizing that I was in the library.

"What in the hell are you doing here baby?" She asked me. I sighed, "I- I-..." I felt my eyes starting to water but I forced them back. "Whats happen to you? You look so thin, and you haven't been to school in weeks. Is everything alright at home." "Ion have a home Mrs. Kruger.." Her eyes got wide and took out her phone, "PLEASE! Please...don't call the feds.."

"You cant be all alone baby..I have to." "Can I stay with you? Please.." She looked into my eyes then finally sighed. It was the weekend and she was only here to grab some things. She was on the phone for a little bit, but when she was done she lead me outside.

"Thank you.." I said, "Your welcome sweetie." She smiled and started to drive. We drove for a while and I fell asleep. I was exhausted and I couldn't help the comfy seats of her car. I woke up and glanced outside instantly frowning. "Michelle's Group Home Facility." I looked over at her, "Mrs. Kruger.." She frowned, "Im sorry..I-"

I stepped out the car slamming the door. I knocked on the building door and a tall brown lady with a stiff ass curly wig on opened it. "Oh! Who are you sweetie?" I didn't say anything for a second and finally spoke, "Egypt." She had a worried look on her face.."Ok..follow me."

Dior sat in his room smoking a blunt. He was the only one awake at the moment as well as Michelle. He walked in the living room and sat at the table looking out the window. After a while a girl was leaving with her head low, "Poor girl." Michelle said walking out of her office. She looked startled to see Dior awake.

"What the hell I tell you about smoking inside Dior.."  He ignored her and kept watching the girl. She didn't go too far until she sat on a nearby bench and started to cry, "Who she?" He asked, Michelle sighed, "Poor girl needed a place to stay...but we don't have enough space anymore." She rubbed her forehead and shook her head.

"Bring her in." Dior said, Michelle was surprised, "I cant Di-" "Nah is coo, I can sleep on the couch, or share my room." Michelle side-eyed him and he chuckled, "Don't start." Dior was never the type to have any sympathy. He was prolly the most cold-hearted one of the group. But for some reason he felt the need to do this. He hated new people and barely associated with anyone and the group home was a lil crowded, but he usually still finds a way to manage.

Dior watched her closely as she got up leaving her things on the bench. She walked close to the street and stood there for a while. He eyed the car in the distance and immediately got up racing outside. "Aye! Aye!" She disregarded him and the car started to get close. She jumped into rode but Dior pulled her back so fast making her fall back on to the sidewalk.

The car speeded past honking its horn. "Fuck is you doin-" "Why you care nigga!" She snapped back, "Get the fuck off me!" She pushed him away and he narrowed his eyes. He could feel himself getting aggravated, "Bring yo ass inside." He turned around not getting a clear look, or caring on who it was. Moments later he heard her sniffle and the footsteps started following behind him.

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