𝗘𝗴𝘆𝗽𝘁 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻 || 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗴𝗼, 𝗜𝗟
𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲...It was my first day here and niggas was already pissin me off. I wasn't comfortable with sleeping in the same room with some nigga I didn't know so I slept on the couch. I didn't have an hour of sleep until someone rudely opened the light and walked in playing music on his phone. He was light-skinish and dreads. He ain have a shirt on so I saw all his tattoos.
"I go by youngboy and I zip you up fo' talkin shit!" I watched him dumped the last of the cereal and placed the box on the counter. He leaned back with his arms straight down in fists and stared down at the box, "BITCH, I been on some rider shit-" He said while punching the shit out the box. I ain know who he was was but I knew I wasn't gonna like him or anyone in this bitch.
"Ughhh! Damn nigga!" I kicked my feet around in annoyance. He flinched a little and squinted at me, "Damn Michelle just lettin anyone in this bitch. We ain even got room thats prolly why yo mad ass sleepin on the couch." He turned up his music a little then stuffed his mouth with cereal and started to roll up a blunt.
I rubbed my forehead and walked away into that one boys room, I was originally was supose to be in. He was sleeping on the bottom bunk. So I looked at the top bunk but it was occupied by random things, so I wasn't able sleep there. I stared at him for a little bit and noticed it was the same mean ass nigga from the motel. He even slept with a mug on his face.
He held a small picture and I could see that it was a picture of him next to another boy in a hospital bed. They were both smiling which surprised me, and the boy almost looked exactly like him-but smaller and looked weaker. I looked back at his face and he opened his eyes making my heart drop, "...Fucking weirdo." He said then rolled over on his other side. I rolled my eyes and slept on the floor.
I woke up to a sharp pain on my ankle, "OW!" I sat up and saw him stopped from walking. I knew he had stepped on me as he got out of bed, "Move out my fucking way then." It made the pain from gashing my ankle days ago come back and it hurt badly. I started to cry even though I didn't want to and he just stared at me, "You a bitch..shoulda never helped yo ass."
"I ain ask you to fucking help me." I mumbled. "What was that?" He turned around as I got up in his face, "I fucking said I-" Suddenly he choked me up against the wall so fast and I couldn't even breathe. He looked me in the eyes and I looked back like I wasn't scared. After a while he aggressively let go and punched a whole in the wall leaving the room.
I looked around his room and saw alot of holes in the walls, "He must got anger issues." I looked out of the room and saw the same loud ass nigga from last night. He saw me and shook his head, "You already got him mad. Just don't talk to that nigga, he ain social like that." I rolled my eyes, "He came at me first." "And you ain keep yo mouth shut?" I scoffed, "No.." He made a face, "He might end up killin you..I can tell you hard-headed. Just stay out his-"
"Man shut the fuck up talkin to me dog. Ion care about none of ya or his feelings." He laughed and shoved some Cheetos in his mouth, "Ok lil' mama." Thankfully I found another bathroom but I walked in on a girl in it, "My bad-" "Nah is cool, come in." Surprised that it was a white girl-I almost laughed out loud"She sound hood asf."
I guess she saw the face I made and chuckled, "Been here for so long..shit start to rub off on you. Whats yo name?" I didn't want conversation but I answered anyways, "Egypt." "Thats a nice name. Im Kyrstal or the ghetto white girl, thats what them hoes be callin me." She chuckled but I just stood there, "So..how did you get here? I thought the house would be full by-" "Luck." I quickly answered. "Oh. Well imma go take a nap, " She sighed, "Works tires me the fuck out."
"Work.." I thought. Thats what I need right now. I took a shower and put my hair in a nice wavy bun that I always do. I shook my head at the fact that I forgot to bring a change of clothes. Wrapping a random towel I found, I peaked back into my room to see if he was in there and ofcourse he was. He sat on a chair quietly playing a game on his Xbox. Ive noticed lately that he has good ass senses. I didnt even touch the door or move and he looked my direction.
He looked me up and down then switched his gaze back to the small tv. I looked around for my bags and found them on top of the bunk bed. Taking my clothes out, just as I was about to head back into the bathroom, the bathroom door was closed shut and the lock clicked. I let out a grunt and now I knew I had to change with him in the room.
"Fuck!" He yelled making me flinch. I knew I wasn't afraid of him but I still felt a small feeling of intimidation from him. I put my clothes on and stepped out the room. I walked into the living room and found everyone sitting on the couch and Michelle sitting in the middle.
"Egypt, would you mind calling Leon over for our gathering? You come too." She said smiling. I narrowed my eyes, "Ok." "Leon? Gathering?" I walked over to his room which I assumed was the one I share a room with, "Leon-" "Dont call me that shit." He said cutting me off. He had a wife beater in his hand but just before he put it on, I saw lots and lots of long scars on his back-as if he was whipped or something.
He pushed past me and went to join the rest as I followed behind. There were 7 people crowded in the small living room: The loud nigga, one lightskin nigga I never seen with short hair with waves and also lots of tattoos, Kyrstal, some lightskin girl who was pregnant, a little girl, my roommate, Michelle and a hispanic looking boy in a wheel chair in the corner.
"Please have a seat." Said Michelle, I rolled my eyes and sat next to Kyrstal. She smiled at me but I just glanced at her. "We haven't done this in a while, but I would like to have a little get together and umm..just a way for he new comers to get to know you all." She gave a smile. "Hype asf fo no reason." The loud nigga said. The one with short waves snickered.
Michelle ignored his comment and began to speak, "Ok. I will point at you, and you will say your name and your story. Everyone here should have a story." "Sosa." The wavey headed one said, "And I ain really 'post to be here so...popcorn!" He pointed to the little girl as Michelle shook her head, "Im Jocelyn but you can call me J, umm my momma used to drink too damn much and she be hurtin me. And then sometimes my momma boyfriend hits her, but I guess she like it because after that he puts his private-"
"OK OK! J...thats enough." Michelle said then put on a worried smile. "Ok...popcorn!" J pointed to the pregnant girl, "Scarlet...kicked out." She pointed to the loud one, "Boozie...bullshit." "I-" "Popcorn!" he yelled cutting Michelle off. He had pointed to Kyrstal, "Kyrstal...dad committed suicide and left me alone." She let out a slight smile then pointed at me.
"Egypt" I started, "Homeless." I thought that was a good way to sum it up. I pointed to my roommate, "Dior." he said and didn't say anything else. Michelle hadn't pushed him to say anything else and just gave out yet another smile, "Well i'm Michelle..this is Jorge." She pointed to the boy in the wheel chair, "He is disabled, also paralyzed and his parents could not take care of him because of being deported."
A robotic voice that said hello had come out and he smiled, "He is able to move his hands though." Michelle chuckled, "Well...I will leave you guys to socialize." She walked away into her office mumbling. Sosa instantly pulled out his phone as Boozie got up to go find some food. Scarlet started to talk to Kyrstal as J played on a tablet she had.
I glanced at Dior who was looking down at the floor. I glanced over at Jorge who was just looking out the window. I glanced back at Dior, "Fuck you starin at." He shoved his hands in his pants and walked out and into his room. I walked over to Jorge and sat next to him, "Hi."
He moved his head slowly at me then back on his tablet. He turned off sound and typed in Hi. "...Does anyone talk to you here?" I asked. No. "Oh." He started to type more, But, I do know alot about them that they don't think I know. "Ok..what do you know?" Jorge paused for a second, Sosa is in gang, has alot of tension between..opps. Kills people. Depression. "Ok..."
Boozie is addicted to percs, has criminal record. Also kills people. Scarlet's mom chose men over her. Boyfriend kicked her out. Rape victim. Kyrstal, crackbaby, mom leaves dad. Dad commits suicide. "Oh..what about Dior?" I don't know.

𝙲 𝚑 𝚒 - 𝚃 𝚘 𝚠 𝚗
Teen Fiction𝐼𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑛 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒, 𝑔𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑢𝑧 𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘.