End of the School Year=Big Surprises

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(Y/N) P.O.V.:

"I'm so happy that today is our last day of school!" I squeal happily. 

Alexa chuckles. "I know right? No more homework, no more tests, it's smooth sailing from here on out!"

"Yeah, and no more bedtimes!" Jamie says her short brown hair waving slightly in the young girl's movement. 

The girls all squeal in excitement as they talk about every different thing they plan on doing for their break as they walk down the school hallway getting looks from other students.

The bell rings and we all wave goodbye as I head to my first-hour class, physics. 

*Time skip five minutes*

I sit in my assigned seat which is in the front row by Jack Darby. He gives me a small smile and I return it.

"So (Y/N) do you, uh, got any plans for break?" he asked me sheepishly.

I go to respond when the teacher enters the room.

"Good morning class! I'm so glad to see all your faces for the last time, for we all know what today is." Mr. Darwin says as everyone hoots and hollers.

Mr. Darwin chuckles as he gestures to the class to settle down. "Settle now, because its the last day I have nothing for you to do, however, if you have your physics book please bring them and set them on the counter over here." he points to the counter to the left of him.

"So, let's start the day off what is your plans for this summer. We'll start with (Y/N)!"

My head snaps up hearing my name. "O-okay, well all I know for my plans is that my parents have a beach house down in Hawaii so I'm probably gonna be there this summer."

Mr. Darwin nods his head smiling. "Exciting! Your parents run a very big company in Hawaii is that right?"

"Yep," I respond not really wanting to go into detail about their work.

"Well, let's give (Y/N) a round of applause!" Mr. Darwin says as the entire class erupts in claps making me lean back in my seat.  

"What about you Jack?"

Jack looked startled. "Me?"

I chuckle at him which catches his attention but he quickly looks away a slight pink blush on his cheeks.

"Yes, you Mr. Darby."

"Well, nothing much. Probably working and fixing up my bike, and hang out with friends. Other than that...I'm not doing anything really special." Jack says shrugging.

"What about you Miko?"

"I'm gonna rock out rock out to Smash Monkey's, and probably kick back with some friends!" Miko says loudly making me shake my head at her.

'I'll never know she has so much energy in the morning. I wonder if her parents are allowing her to drink coffee in the morning...' I think to myself as Mr. Darwin goes on to ask each student what their plans are for the summer break. 

I was a bit more interested in trying to come up with the perfect beginning to this great book idea, but I can't seem to place my finger on how to start it. Every time I'd have a great idea for it and go to quickly write it down it always slips through my fingers.

I felt someone nudge my shoulder I look over to see Jack. 

"Hey, you're going to Hawaii this summer? That's pretty cool."

"Yeah, but my parents are gonna be at business meetings the entire time, so I'm probably going to have the entire condo to myself," I tell him.

"Wow, that's gonna be quite lonely. You sure you don't wanna stay here in Jasper Nevada?" He asked with a teasing smile.

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