Constant Failures.......

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Megatron's P.O.V.:

I swear to Primus if we have one more bloody failure I'm gonna offline everyone on this bloody ship!! I thought to myself as I walk down the corridors.

Entering the main control room everyone was already there. Knockout had this so-called idea that he wishes to express to us. Growling I just hope this doesn't waste valuable time away from things that needed to get done.

"Tell me Knockout what's so important that you drag us away from everyone's posts?" I questioned him.

Knockout shifted standing by the many computer control panels.

"Well my lord, I don't wish to bring up all the failed plans, energon mines being lost, and not to mention the relics we lost." I sent him a death glare making him gulp. "W-well I got to thinking, humans have this thing called summer break. So we all commanding officers and take a nice well....vacation."

"You want us to take a vacation when we're in the middle of a war?" Starscream asked sneering. "What the frag is wrong with you?!"

"As much as illogical it sounds like, Knockout has made a valid point," Shockwave says making me raise my eyebrow at him.

I never figured that he'd agreed to that.

"Oh, and enlighten me as to why I should agree to this?" I asked masking my curiosity.

"Simple, we've been stressed, overworking ourselves, I can't tell you the countless times that I end up dragging our soldiers to the medbay for being exhausted." Breakdown says, "Plus, it allows us to come back with new attitudes and we can bring the Autobots to their knees!"

"So it'll be refreshing for us, but tell me how exactly are we supposed to go on vacation like this? The Autobots will know something's up." Starscream says bringing up fair points.

"Already been planned. You see we are going on a three-month vacation and we're doing it human style." Knockout says with a smirk.

"Oh, and how do you wish to pull this off Knockout?" I questioned him getting a bit annoyed.

"Well you see my lord, I've been collaborating with Shockwave and we created a serum to allow us to live as humans for three months. We tested it. It works wonderfully, and it will wear off on its own." Knockout explains to me making me growl.

"And you used what authority to create such a thing without me knowing?!" I raised my voice.

"It also doesn't explain how we keep the Autobots from getting suspicious." Dreadwing points out.

"It's simple, we leave the ship outside Earth's atmosphere. And we'll keep it shield as always, the human forms will give us cover do to the fact that they are created by each CNA extracted from each of you." Shockwave explains. "We can leave Predaking here."

I hum as I think over what has been said. It wouldn't be that bad to go on this vacation...maybe that's what we need.

"Fine, I'll agree to this vacation. I take it you have a place in mind?"

Knockout smirk got bigger.

Breakdown sighs. "He's been researching about all the different places to go, my Lord, he even made me tag along to go scout some areas. But we did find a place, and we found a nice vacation home."

"I chose the best place possible, and I'll tell you what it is later! But first, we must get us all ready to use our human forms!!" Knockout says making everyone besides Shockwave, Soundwave, and myself to groan.

"Lord Megatron are you sure that this is the best idea? Who knows what could happen while we're gone....the Autobots could attack us!" Starscream voices his concern making me growl slowly at him making him jump back.

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