Another surprise!!!

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Knockout's P.O.V.:

I'm so excited! It's finally the day where we get to start our vacation! Plus, I no longer need to teach everyone to use their bodies and what you need to survive! I swear if I ever have to explain how to-I shivered in disgust before regaining my composure.

"Now are we all ready? I told them we'd arrive at 12 in the morning on time and I'm not one to be late." I explained to them as I look at my fellow cons.

"Uh, Knockout who's them?" Dreadwing asked confused making my smirk grow bigger.

"You'll find out!" I tell them not able to hold my excitement.

I heard Breakdown sigh. "He's not gonna say anything about. I've been prying him to tell me but he's harder to crack even when you threaten his paint job."

"The ground bridge is ready right?"

The vechicon soldier nods his head. "It is sir."

"Good, let's get going. We are going to ground bridge at a non-populated area and from there we have some vechicons as our rides to our last destination." I tell them as I make sure I got all my suitcases.

Nodding over to the vechicon they opened up the ground bridge and I walked through.

Megatron's P.O.V.:

I frown but follow Knockout through the ground bridge. Once threw I see two Van's, but neither has the Decepticon logo on it. Raising an eyebrow at it I don't question it since we don't want to draw the Autobots attention.

Knockout gestures to the second van to put our bags in. Doing as he says as much as my pride would allow me to, I put my bag on one of the seats and made sure they are out of the way.

"I have seating arrangements once you have done putting your bags in the van." Knockout calls out from the other van.

Rolling my eyes I walk over to Knockout arms crossed.

"Alright, where am I sitting Knockout?" I asked him getting very annoyed.

"Passenger seat, since your Lord it's only beneficial that you get the front row seat." He says opening the door for me.

I get in without saying anything else not wanting to stay outside any longer. I can hear Knockout giving out the assign seats, and hear them get in but I just gaze out the window my foot taping full of impatience. All I want is this to get over with.

The drivers' side door opens up and Knockout gets in sitting in the driver's seat. 

"Wait why do you get the driver seat?!" Starscream questions growling.

"Because if we get pulled over by human cops then someone needs to be here in the front looking like they are driving to make it not suspicious.  So I suggest you pipe down back there and enjoy the ride." Knockout says as the car begins to move.

Next thing I know we're on the road. The windows down and the summer breeze isn't all that bad.

This should be an interesting summer. I  smirked at the thought.

*Time skip*

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.:

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt my shoulders being shaken stirring me from my slumber.  Groaning I shift to look at the person waking me up.

"What? I'm still very sleepy. and it's only," I grab my phone that is on the stand next to the bed and look at the time. "It's only 10 in the morning!"

"I know but your parents wanted us up and ready they said they have one more surprise for us," Sage says making me groan. 

I hide my face in the pillow not wanting to get up.

"(Y/N) you either get up or I'm dragging you out of the bed and you'd regret it." Sage warns me.

Not giving her a response I keep my head on the pillow trying to go back to sleep.

"Alright, you leave me no choice," Sage mutters.

Next thing I knew the blankets were ripped from my body making me shiver since I'm only in a tank top and shorts; Sage grabbed my legs and began pulling me out of bed. I tried gripping the sheets but lost my grip.

"ALRIGHT!! YOU MADE YOUR POINT!!" I yelled as half my body is off the bed. 

With that said Sage dropped my legs and snickered. "Good if I have to come back to find you in bed I will make sure next time its ice-cold water being dumped on you." 

Sage walks out of the room before giving me the sign that she is watching me before shutting the door behind her. Groaning I get up tossing the blanket back onto the bed as I head towards my closet. Yawning I look at the clothes trying to piece together what I'm going to wear.

Settling with just a black t-shirt, and a pair of grey leggings. Pulling my (H/C) in a messy bun I head downstairs to see what this new surprise is.

Please this better be good that we were woken up at such an early time, when we didn't get here so late!  I thought as I walk downstairs.

Reaching the last steps I turn and enter the kitchen first smelling the sweet aroma of Mom's home made breakfast.

"Look who decided to come down from the coffin." Mom jokes sending me a wink as she sets the food on the table.

"Yeah. Well I didn't really have much choice in that matter. The coffin upstairs is very soft, and I'd like to return to it." I say in a Transylvania accent.

"Look Mrs. Dracula actually listen to my threat." Sage says as she sits down a smirk on her face.

I roll my eyes as I sit down beside her. Jamie walks in yawning her bright pink pjs standing out as she takes a seat. Sage and I look at each other and quietly chuckle nor wanting to sound rude to Jamie.

"Oh, laugh it up. I know you want to laugh at my bright pink clothes!" Jamie says crossing her arms as the twins enter.

"Wow, Jamie I love your outfit." Callie says as she sits down beside her.

Seanna nods her head sitting on the opposite sides of her. Alexa and Serenity come in.

"All of you girls awake?" Dad comes in a newspaper in hand.

"Yep, we're all awake. What's so important that we had to be woken up so early?" I asked trying not to sound irritated.

Mom makes sure that we get equal amount of food a smile on her face. "Honey you tell them."

"Well (Y/N) we decided to rent out the other half of the condo. You girls will get some company." Dad says making me choke on the apple juice.

Sage pats my back.

"Company?! So we're having strangers in the house?" I question them.

"We met with the guy who was searching for somewhere to stay. We've been talking and we told them that we have some girls coming with and they said they'd be fine with that. Plus you girls are old enough, your parents know about this already."

I couldn't believe my parents. They should've told us this before hand! I open my mouth to protest when a loud knock on the front caught everyone's attention.

"Ah, they are here." Dad says as he walks over to the door.

We follow them into.the entry way.

"Girls meet your new roommates for the next few months!" Mom says as Dad opens the door revealing seven guys.

I growled as I crossed my arms.

Oh, what a glory of a surprise. I wasn't wanting something like this! Parents probably wanted muscle around here since they're meeting this year is gonna be the biggest. But just wait, I'm gonna make their life here hell if anyone thinks I'm gonna be cool with this. I thought to myself glaring at the guys.

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