The Silent Dove in Distant Lands

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(A Song for the Forgotten Daughter)

Grieve O redeemed sinner's heart
For the virgin daughter is taken
Bound and set in unknown lands apart
She cries for she is forsaken

Cruel and devious hands are they
Which cast an eye at the helpless and poor
Unaware she is watched as prey
They lurk at her windows
And haunt her doors

O Father! She is taken!
And I know not where she went!
Strength and hope has left me
And peace and faith are spent

O the woes that are falling! Falling!
As of this moment, falling!
Where Your Spirit should anoint her head
Now cruelty and darkness; the wicked' taunts and dread

Helpless sister! O God please hear!
And look on her wounds and bitter tears
The wicked clothe themselves with cunning and lies
Believing the darkness shall conceal and hide

O the cruel smile that conceals their plans for sin
Enchanted roses they hold that turn to chains
Yet God knows and takes account to what lies within
The thoughts of e'en the most powerful are folly and vain

O if I could, I'd weep with her!
But the darkness has blot them from view
Yet You are the Sovereign God
And all things You saw and knew

I do not understand how this could be
That You would write this chapter into my story
As I seek Your assurance and power to relieve my fears
Unrestrained in grief, I shed my tears

O how I am bent in desolation and sorrow
For You set Your daughter as a target for the arrow
You have hedged her in; she cannot get out
You have made her chain heavy
Even when she cries and shouts

Oh I weep only because she weeps
If only I could be there in her grief
But all is silent and no one knows
Whither she is and whither she'll go

O cruel hands that can mar the body
And drive deeper to pierce the soul!
We have been broken in pieces, O Lord
The Enemy has won
Will You not make whole
And right this wrong?


But what of it Father? What of it?!
Will You stand aside and watch?
Will You conceal and hide Your face?
O my enemies surround and how they mock!
Breaking my soul with their taunts
Saying to me all the while, "Where is your God?"

Heaven with Hell has turned against me
For You have pierced to my innermost being
With the arrows of Your quiver
My prayers cannot pierce the darkness
Calling on You to deliver

My heart and feet cannot stay at home
So I wander aimlessly in city streets
Casting an eye for her
To deliver her from Hell's hands
(If I could be her White Knight)
And since I could not my heart searches
For someone who would understand

I sought her
But soon she'll be forgotten
And life must go on
While I take the bitter roots
And compose my bitter songs

"My God, my God
Why have You forsaken me?
Why are you so far from helping me
And from the words of my groaning?
O my God, I cry in the daytime
But You do not hear
And in the night season, and am not silent."


Surely, You understand the pain of men
For through Your Son, You experienced all
Touching our hardness, our filth, our stench
Partaking of the wormwood and the gall

Through Your mercies, Father
We are not consumed
Because Your compassions fail not
Have You not Yourself told us so and have fulfilled it
Time and time again?

You are good to those who wait for You
To the soul who seeks You
You say, "It is good that one should hope
That one should wait quietly for My salvation
It is good for a man to bear
The yoke in his youth."

But would you have me sit alone and keep silent
When I need You most?
To put my mouth in the dust
For there might be hope?

O Father! Take care of Your daughter!
I ask You with overflowing eyes, on bended knees
Show compassion in the midst of grief
According to the multitude of Your mercies!

I cannot bear this, Father
Would Your Son bear it for me?
For I am without life
I am without faith
That Your daughter is held captive
Torn and torn again
By her present fate

Oh if only You would redeem
That You would look down and see
Today I call; draw near, I ask You!
And say to me, "Do not fear!"

Abba Father! It hurts!
And oh the pictures the Enemy is planting in my mind!
I weep not for myself but for Your daughter, my sister!
No refuge, no place of comfort can I find!
She is unaware, no one knows
And everything is blind
Yet You see

Will You not redeem?

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