Coming Out (1/4)

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(A/N)This one-shot is inspired by the Epilogue of In Your Mind's Eye by colourdark. It's an absolutely ASTOUNDING story that all of my two followers should go read. I don't want to give any away, so just go read it. Trust me. I promise the ending isn't as angsty as this, it's just that I had breaks in between reading that epilogue and my imagination went wild with this idea. Anyways, sorry for the abnormally long authors note and enjoy the story!

Draco leaned into Harry's side as they apparated onto the edge of the field; Harry could hear a sigh exiting his secret boyfriend.

Walking through the field to get to The Burrow, Draco's grip on his lover's hand and the gift he was holding tightened. Both men could feel their stomachs turn and twist into a knot like a blind snake just trying his best.

"Forget butterflies in my stomach; I can feel the whole bloody zoo having a damn orgy."

"Draco, you better not say shit like that in front of the Weasleys."

"Oh trust me, I don't think my mouth will even be capable of functioning in the slightest once we're in there."

Their thick winter clothes had at least 3 layers, but Draco's left hand wasn't gloved. Neither was Harry's right. They held each other's bare hand, seeking comfort and warmth from the cold.

"I can't believe you forgot your gloves, Harry."

"Hey! I remembered! I just...didn't grab them..."

Draco rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You're lucky that I'm the oh so generous soul that I am and lent you one of mine."

Harry chuckled,

"Hey, at least now we can hold hands!"

"We could have done that before."

"Yeah, but it's not the same."

Harry pecked his boyfriend on the cheek, and at that, they were reminded of the task awaiting them once they reached The Burrow.

Silence fell and Draco's heart palpitated while his face burned. Harry glanced over to his right and didn't see his loving boyfriend, but instead a tomato with a breathing problem.


Harry stopped a few feet in front of the entrance to the burrow and tilted his head up, along with rotating his body to face Draco.

"Can you please look at me?"

Draco reluctantly met Harry's eyes, a striking green against the pale cheekbones and slight blush growing from the cold. A blazing scarlet and gold Gryffindor scarf rested gently underneath his chin. The soft breeze blowing through the chilling December air was swaying the weeds growing in the field, moving as if they were cheering the couple on. Merlin knows they needed any and every encouragement possible.

"No matter how they react..."

Harry trailed off but didn't break eye contact. Even the calming grey in Draco's irises couldn't distract from the creases around his face and scrunched up nose, his emotions not being subtly hidden in any regard. Harry reached up the one-inch difference they had in height and smoothed out of the creases and cracks in Draco's forehead, rising a small giggle out of the man. Resting his calloused hand on Draco's cheek, Harry let out a sigh and held a sad yet hopeful smile.

"People can change. You, of all people, know that. Even if they aren't thrilled can change their mind."

Draco leaned into Harry's hand, and the shorter man pecked Draco on the lips. Draco let out a small chuckle,

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