"This is why I don't want to stay anymore." (2/2)

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(A/N)This part is heavily inspired by the fanfic Let's Help Each Other by pointlesstests It's one of my favorites, and you should definitely read it. Also, I will admit Harry acts out of character in this one-shot m, but I think it's appropriate in this situation since his emotions are rather...unstable.


Back downstairs, everyone tried their hardest to continue with business as usual, ignoring the hideous sobs they heard from the upstairs bedroom. It seemed he wouldn't stop crying, and whenever it seemed his tears died down a bit, it only launched again at full force.

Nobody could just...focus! Not with the sound of Harry, their family, sobbing in the background.

Hermione was thinking long and hard.

How could Dumbledore have done that? When did that break down happen? How did Ron handle it? How did Harry handle it? She knew he didn't like his aunt and uncle, but dear Merlin how did she not know it was this bad?

Never for a second did she ever think to doubt Harry. He wouldn't lie about something as serious as this. And those tears were real. That horror was real. That was real.

After deliberation and a painfully tense room, Hermione set her pencil down forcefully, catching everyone's attention.

"Are we just going to ignore it?"

Everyone averted their eyes and tried their hardest to ignore the next round of muffled crying from upstairs. A faint apology, followed by reassurance, was heard, presumably from Harry and Draco respectively.

"Are we just going to ignore Draco going into hysterics? Are we just going to ignore how they are together? Are we just going to ignore Harry having a breakdown? Are we just going to ignore the literal sobs upstairs?!"

Mrs. Weasley looked towards her son, and Ron just stood by Hermione. He continued for Hermione,

"I'm not gonna give some long story since it's not my story to tell, but Harry almost wiping his memory is true. I found him in the dorm room alone sitting on his bed, wand in hand. He was really about to do it..."

Remus looked up,

"How did you talk him out of it?"

Ron bit the inside of his cheek and furrowed his eyebrows,

"That's the thing. I didn't. I just took his wand until he calmed down. Which took a bit of time, by the way. I never asked why or if he was better, I just made sure he didn't do it. He ignored it ever happened and I didn't want to push him...so I also ignored it...I'm sorry..."

Mrs. Weasley smiled proudly and put her hands to her chest,

"Oh Ronald, you have nothing to be sorry for. You did the best you could. You saved him."

Ron smiled slightly, which Hermione didn't miss. She turned back,

"Guys...he isn't okay."

Ron looked somberly at Remus, his parents, and arguable most importantly, Dumbledore. He shook his head and asked,

"Did you know? Did you leave him there, even though you knew?"

Dumbledore's eyes seemed to lose their twinkle, and he simply answered gravely,


Ron shook his head in disbelief as he got up out of the chair and put his hands up as if in surrender. The screech of wood against wood pained everyone's ears, and he stepped out of the room. Hermione quickly followed.

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