Coming Out (2/4)

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(A/N)I'm writing this instead of just doing my Civics homework. Social distancing is giving me so much free time, and I would be lying if I said my introverted ass I wasn't having a good time.


Back in the house, Harry was frozen like a statue. The familiar feeling of grief seemed to choke him. It snaked into his stomach and bit holes in the lining, it slithered into his veins and made his blood run cold, it slinked around his head and squeezed as tightly as possible, and Harry didn't think he'd be able to take it.

He hunched his shoulders over and hugged himself, as heavy tears silently dripped down, not unlike the heavy drizzle that comes before a storm; with dark clouds hanging overhead and dampening the mood.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your holiday."

Silence again. Hermione finally spoke,

"How long have you two been dating?"

Harry sniffled,

"A little over half of a year."

Ron's eyes widened and he mumbled,

"Blimey, I can't believe I never noticed..."

"I fucked up. I fucked up real bad."

"Harry, don't be so hard on yourself. Malfoy has always been stubborn-,"


Harry protested with wide eyes as he turned to face Ron. A soft smile spread across his face as his eyes softened, clouding and glossing over with memories,

"He's wonderful now. caring and generous. I will admit that he's still as stubborn as ever, but it's because he wants to make the right decision. And he knows how his decisions affect others. He's nothing like how he was at school..."

Harry trailed off softly, looking like a love-stricken fool. His hands never moved from around himself, and he tilted his head in a small grin.

Mrs. Weasley covered her heart with her hands and then started fanning her eyes,

"Oh, my baby's all grown up! I can't believe Harry's in love!"

Harry bit his lip and smiled meekly, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Hermione widened her eyes and shrieked incredulously,


She looked into Harry's eyes, and her attitude wavered when she saw the desperate and pleading gaze.

"H-harry...I know you're head over heels for him, but I'm not sure I really want to spend Christmas with him..."

Harry sighed,

"He probably already went back to the house..."

"Wait wait wait,"

Bill chimed in,

"You guys live together?!"

"Oh, um, yeah, at Grimmauld Place."

Ron was in disbelief,

"Why are you living with him?!"

Harry mumbled with his arms crossed,

"Well, it's not like I can crash at my parent's place and he couldn't exactly stay where he was either..."

"Why not?"

Harry snapped his head up at the sound of George's voice, the first time he offered any insight into the conversation.

"Why couldn't he stay at Malfoy Manor? Is his Daddy too busy to take care of him? Did all of their servants leave and House Elves vanish?"


Harry cut himself off, furrowing his eyebrows and coming to a realization.

"I don't know. His father is in Azkaban, but I don't know how his relationship with his mother is-"




Harry covered his mouth as he realized what he had done, and why Draco was so upset about it.

"I fucked up even worse than I had realized..."

"Well no shit, he's out there crying in the field,"

Ginny rolled her eyes, exasperated at Harry's density while looking out of the window.

"He's still here?"

"Of course he is; I doubt he's in any state to apparate safely."

"Give me a moment,"

Harry rushed out of the house and into the field, towards where Draco was sitting.

Hermione pursed her lips and leaned into her boyfriend, mumbling,

"I can't believe Harry didn't tell us anything. I can't believe we didn't notice there was something Harry wasn't telling us."

"Malfoy or his sexuality? Cause I'm sorry to break it to ya Hermione, but it was very obvious that Harry was a raging bisexual."

"Oh no, I knew that! The way he talked about Cedric fourth was not platonic."

"Hey, you're not the one who had to listen to him crush on that bloke at night before bed!"

"Yeah, I don't care about his sexuality. But Malfoy..."

"Hermione, you should be more understanding,"

Charlie stood, disappointment written all over his face,

"Although I am not a fan of the Malfoys, I have a feeling this one might be different."

"I'm on the same page as Hermione."

George finally straightened up from leaning against the wall, uncrossing his arms.

"Charlie you weren't there when Malfoy was at school. He was constantly bullying all of the muggle-borns, not to mention when he was helping Umbridge with her reign of terror. Mate, there was a third-year there, who had to write with his own blood. And Malfoy helped her. Do you really think someone can change that much?"

"You guys don't have any faith in Harry. I trust his judgment. I think Malfoy has changed."


Ginny trailed,

"His judgment isn't always exactly...the best. He's still a Gryffindor. And Gryffindors make stupid decisions. I wouldn't be surprised if the cunning Slytherin was taking advantage of him. He is pretty smart."

Hermione and Ron giggled while Mrs. Weasley frowned and Charlie scoffed. Bill looked indifferent and George just sank back into his corner, reminiscing about his best friend.

Word Count-872

It's short, but it's for a reason and I'm proud of it. Part Three is coming out either tomorrow or two days from now!

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