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(A/N) I was gonna call this 'Hairjob' but then I found out that does NOT mean the same thing everywhere, so I had to change it to this, lol. (Don't google it.)

6th Year

Harry speed-walked down the corridor to the bathroom to just...get away from everything. Quidditch practice had been fun but...forget it. He didn't want to think about it.

He swiftly opened the door to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, only to lock eyes with the last person he wanted to see right now. Well, maybe not the very last. Maybe, like, the second to last.


"Go away, P-Potter."

Harry looked at Draco in the saddest, most pathetic state he's ever seen him in.

(A/N) Thrill Of First Love just came on 👀 edit: okay I'm Not Falling For That just came on the universe ships Drarry confirmed.

Draco sat curled up on the toilet seat cover with a darkly colored glove on his left hand, and his other wrapped around his scrunched up legs and tucking in his head as if to somehow protect himself from...something.

Harry noticed that Draco's signature striking bleach-blond hair was now much darker. In fact, it was jet black, somehow even darker than Harry's.

When Draco lifted his head, Harry hastily averted his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Draco put his head back down.

Despite all of Harry's efforts to repress and deny his feelings for Draco, Harry knew a good looking man when he saw one. Although he did miss Draco's hair; the blond-ness was adorable when he didn't put it in that hideous middle part.

"I s-said, go aWAY...potter..."

Harry finally looked at Draco again and furrowed his eyebrows.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had begrudgingly grown to worry and care for his 'enemy' over the years. After all, he was almost certain they had more in common than thought at face value.

Harry reached out his hand and touched Draco's hair. It was wet and sticky, and when he pulled away the color stuck to his skin.

Draco looked up at Harry once the boy had pulled away with a 'bitch what the actual fuck' expression on his face, but didn't say anything back. He was too tired, Harry noticed, glad he wasn't the only one.

Harry sat down in the same position next to Draco on the floor, disregarding how filthy the bathroom floor probably was.

Neither of them said anything for a few minutes, just staying in silence, not moving a muscle.

After a bit, Harry asked in a gruff voice,


Draco chuckled lowly,

"Yeah. Very."

Harry replies in the same tone,

"Me too."

Draco scoffed, causing Harry to look up at him with a cocked eyebrow and quizzical expression, challenging Draco's scoff. Draco just shook his head and went back to looking forward. He responded,

"Try being a Malfoy."

Before he could stop himself, Harry's unfiltered sass tossed back,

"Try being a Potter."

Draco just snorted, catching Harry off guard. Draco just spat, smiling,

"You don't have expectations forced onto you. You don't have your whole life planned before you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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