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The first thing I should tell you, is that all the cats in DangerClan are the OCs of real people. However, I will not name them, because some of them are on Wattpad and they don't particularly like warrior cats.

Another thing I should tell you is that all the cats in Moderately SafeClan are puns. I will explain them.


A rockstar, as in someone who writes rock music.


The song skyfall by Adele.


The song smoke on the water by Deep Purple.


The song blaze of glory by Bonjovi.

The reason SafeClan does not have a medicine cat is for two reasons. The first reason is that they are too safe to need one and the second is that they will leave their wounded alone to die.

The reason that Moderately SafeClan does not have a medicine cat or many warriors is that SafeClan killed them all.

Just wanted to set these things straight. Enjoy the story!

DangerClan: Prophecy of the Smelly CatWhere stories live. Discover now