{Day 5 + 6 and a half}

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Aloha's POV

I can't breathe. Or talk.

Well I can but I'm terrified. I've just been squidnapped. 

Right now, all I can hope for is that I'll be found. I was blindfolded and I couldn't see anything. I didn't like this feeling. I just wanna go back home, where Army would be waiting with plates of curry, and lecture me about coming on time. I want to see Army. Then I heard the squidnapper's voice. "What an annoying little squid. You make so much loud noise it's revolting. You don't deserve to be in the S4." He said in a raspy voice. He sounded to be in his mid-thirties. I manage to move the blindfold a bit, to see the squidnapper's face.

He was a pale, boney man. He truly looked mentally unstable, twitching uncontrollably for short amounts of time. He walked up to me. "I'll leave you to starve here, and day by day you'll have to face nobody is coming, nobody cares, you are screwed." The words hurt me. I knew they weren't true but I felt hope being drained from me. Happy thoughts Aloha, they'll come.

Army's POV

The police were able to track Aloha's location. He wasn't far. They said to leave it to authorities, but I couldn't wait. I needed to make sure Aloha was ok. I ran to the co-ordinates to find myself in an abandoned alleyway somewhere in the plaza. I see Aloha, covered in cuts, scratches, scrapes and bruises being harassed to what seemed to be his squidnapper.

I grabbed a old baseball bat from a nearby dumpster, and hit the squidnapper in the head. Over and over. Until he was unconscious. "Army!" I hear Aloha shout looking so relieved. I untie him. "Are you ok Aloha? You seem pale." "I'm just tired, I can't wait to eat your curry again." He seemed to have tears in his eyes. I was just about to help him get up, until like he jumped towards me and gave me a hug. I was shocked because Aloha never does these things, nonetheless, I hugged back. Cherishing every moment. I was happy. Aloha's ok.

-Time Skip-

It was a day from the incident. I was scolded by the authorities and Aloha was covered in bandages. The squidnapper suffered from sociopathy. Things are mostly back to normal.


Aloha's POV

"Ughhh! Guys what should I do??" I asked, frustrated, to my teammates.

"Ask him out Andy go to Wahoo World!" "Boater, Army isn't childish" Octoglasses pointed out. "Maybe a nice café?" "Hm, maybe" I replied. Then all of a sudden Diver, who was quiet this whole time had an idea. "Ask him to a romantic walk on the beach! You guys could surf, have a picnic and watch the sunset!" "Diver? Were you hit in the head? You're not usually this smart...." I  teased. "Hey! You asked for help!"

It was settled. I am going to take Army out to a beach date. "Thanks guys for helping me" They replied with 'anything for a bro'! I get my visor and head back home.

When I reach my house, I bust in to see Army writing in his new manual. "Hey Army what's in that manual anyway?" 

"A simple hello would be nice."

"Yeah sorry, whatever, hi, but what's in there?"


Army seemed hesitant. My curiosity got the best of me. I grab the manual and look inside shocked.

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