"Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys"

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After watching my dashboard on Tumblr be spammed with truth, I realized that Danger Days is actually the most depressing album I've ever heard. No, not the words, but the story BEHIND them. In many recent interviews Gerard has admitted the truth behind all of DD. It's fake. Gee didn't want to go on after The Black Parade; he had felt that all that was needed to be said was said under the MCR umbrella. He even admitted in his DIY Magazine interview that he only did it because he felt he had to due to the fact that he had mortgages and a family. He went as far even to say that he hated it. That the music, the acting, and the art just wasn't right. He had to act on stage. He felt like he needed to keep up this public image for the first time. He even began starving himself to be skinnier and started wearing more revealing clothes (I mean, when the Hell did Gee ever wear tank tops BEFORE DD?). He eventually even started drinking and taking pills again. If that doesn't tell you something, then what does? It also HAD to be a very terrible experience considering that Mikey, too, had relapsed, only into much heavier things. Both Frank and Ray became unexplainably unhappy (well, there was an explanation, just not a yet revealed one) and for the whole band everything just fell apart.

In reality, DD was fake. All of it. The story, the art, the music, the inspiration, and worst of all, it gave us all false hope future.

I really don't care if you don't like this; the truth tends to piss people off.

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