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Ember growled. Dodging to the side as her opponent swiped his claws right at her striped face. Her sides heaved with fatigue as she have been fighting him for almost thirty minutes. Allen, a fellow shifter, stood in front of her in his tiger form panting as he prepared to attack. This time Ember attacked by jumping onto his back and biting into his shoulder. He roared as he tried to get her off of him and was successful when her grip on his back faltered. Using the opportunity he stood on his hind legs and fell backwards, crushing her underneath him.

She was getting tired as she was bleeding from the cuts and gashes on her body. She looked at Allen to see him circling around her and was in the exact same state that she was. Bloody, tired, and wanting this selfish fight to end. Ember quickly stood up as staying down for too long would definitely not be a great idea. She didn't get a chance to think of her next attack as the tiger in front of her charged with a single purpose.

To kill.

"Stop!" The man in the lab coat, named Carl, yelled before blowing his annoying whistle to signal us to break apart. The high pitch sound hurting her sensitive ears as it echoed around the white room they were in. Ember wanted to murder his ass so badly that she wouldn't have minded going after him now, but that would have put her cellmates, or other shifters, in danger of being tortured for her recklessness and incompetence. She growled at Carl as he was grinning like a madman that he was. He forced the two tiger shifters to fight just to assess their abilities and 'usefulness' if you would put it that way. She would not want to be a part of anything that the scientists were planning on using them for as they have basically ripped their lives away from them.

She looked back towards Allen to see that he was still trying to get as much air in to calm himself down as the fight that Ember have given him was not easy. She had put up a good fight as the scientists kept on tazing them with their high voltage prods to make them damage each other. The other people in lab coats around them were quickly taking notes as if they had discovered something amazing, which was nothing new around here as the shifters were put through intensive lab testing. She glared at them while they were quickly ushered out of the huge room and down the narrow hallway to where the shifters were being held.

Ember never forgot the day she was taken from her home as it fueled her anger and resentment towards her captors. Suddenly embedded with tranquilizer darts and stunned into unconsciousness while taking her usual stroll in the woods is a cowardly move. Ever since she was placed into her 'new home' or the tiny prison cell that the scientists placed her in, she had wondered how they had managed to hide their scent well from her. Shifters had way better sense of smell than regular animals, but even then she never heard or smelled them coming. One day while they were bringing in another shifter she smelled their outdoor clothes covered in the scent of the woods, which would definitely explain why she never smelled them. They blended in with her surroundings.

It has been about a few weeks that Ember have been stuck there counting down the days that everyone would escape and take down those that have kept them there for their own selfish needs. It was only a matter of time before everything went down to hell and she was here for it. She wanted to see them suffer. To feel the pain and beg at the hands of their subjects that they had once enjoyed torturing for their own personal gain. Ember especially wanted to sink her claws into Carl and rip him apart as he was the one in charge of testing her and punishing her if things didn't go his way.

Her cage was opened and she got shoved harshly into her cell with the prod. She growled at them until her and Allen's cages automatically locked and they left the room after making sure that everything was in order. No shifters out of their cages and about. She huffed before laying down on the cold concrete floor and started cleaning up her wounds that were inflicted by Allen before they could start closing. Shifters had a great gift of healing after they had been injured. Minor scratches only take about half an hour while major gashes took hours. It would always be best to clean out the wound as having dirt and rocks in them after it closed would not be anything pleasant. Ribs and bones were a different story. They could heal quickly, but healed in the wrong way they had to be re-broken and fixed back into position before the healing process kicks in. The fight with Allen, although forced upon by her captors for 'science', was definitely a good fight and she wouldn't want to have him as an enemy that's for sure.

The Shifter's Pack (28 March 2020)Where stories live. Discover now