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Ember woke up on the soft plush bed as the sunlight filtered through the windows and gave the bedroom a warm glow. She stared at the wall trying to remember where she was and a chill ran down her back as she recalled how furious her parents had been at her. She explained to them her situation as best as she could as they fired question after question.

Overall it took her about an hour to convince them that she was okay and safe while slipping into the conversation that she had found her mate. They were so happy to hear that she made great friends that had her back and also found her beloved. Once they had her promise to keep in touch with them twice a week, she finally hung up the phone and went back to Lucas's bedroom to shower and get ready to sleep.

She felt her mate's chest pressed against her back as his arms were wrapped around her. She sighed contently as her heart felt warm with his love for her. Ember turned around in his arms to admire him before he woke up. His breath was slow and steady as it fanned her face. Her hand lifted from under the covers to trace his strong jawline and she tried to hold back her laugh as he shivered from her touch.

Lucas opened his eyes to see his mate seemingly wanting to laugh about something. "Being naughty so early in the morning Ember?" He watched her shake her head as she tried but ultimately failed as she bursted out laughing. "Oh I'll give you something to laugh about!" He told her a second before tickling her sides.

"No Lucas stop! Hahaha!" She tried to run from the bed but he quickly grabbed her before dragging her back to the bed. The pair heard the door slam open as Raven and Xena came in their shifted forms. After seeing that everything was okay they sighed before going back to their beds, grumbling heard as Raven used her tail to close the door behind them.

Ember and Lucas looked from the door to each other before they started laughing again. She stretched herself out on the bed as her mate went to the dresser to pull out his clothes for the day. She wanted to lay in bed with him all day but she also wanted to explore too. Lucas watched her have an internal debate in her head and smiled as she made up her mind and got up to get ready.

Downstairs the group met up in the kitchen as the smell of bacon and pancakes beckoned them from their rooms. The girls were surprised to see both the King and Queen preparing breakfast as a few of the guards set up the table and the rest got the drinks ready. Upon looking at the table it was definitely a lot more than bacon and pancakes than they originally thought.

Bowls of sliced fruit, scrambled eggs, sausages, and oatmeal accompanied plates of waffles, omelettes, casseroles, donuts, and even crepes. Their eyes were wide with shock at the amount of food they had prepped as Lucas led them to a few empty seats at the long table. Ember didn't know what to think. There weren't that many of them there but the piles of food on the table felt like it could feed hundreds. She thanked Lucas as he pulled out her chair again and blushed when he softly kissed the back of her hand in reply.

"Don't be shy eat all you want!" The Queen said as she placed a mountainous bowl of bacon in front of them. Ember couldn't help but to admire the beauty in front of her. The meat still sizzling hot as it just came off the stove and the juices dripping down made her drool. Lucas laughed as he wiped her mouth with a napkin which knocked her out from her staring. She felt a little embarassed but that thought left the window as she saw her friends drooling too, eyes sparkling with delight.

"I'm telling you dear its the bacon that causes the drooling." The King set down his plate of towering pancakes on the table as he led his laughing mate to their seat. As soon as they sat down they all thanked them for the food before piling their plates.

"THIS IS SO GOOD!" Xena exclaimed as she stuffed her face with the crepes. "I'm telling you Raven strawberries with this is heaven!" The dark haired girl next to her shook her head as she also at the crepe. "No way bananas is the bomb!" Ember sighed as they started a whole new argument on which types of crepes were better. The whole table though were immersed in their conversation as they grabbed plates of their own crepes to see which was better...which led to the them all arguing about it.

Breakfast that day was filled with laughter as they made jokes and pitched in to help clean up their plates. Surprisingly the bowls and plates filled with food were all gone by the time the argument on crepes had ended with the conclusion of putting both fruits on the crepes in which both girls agreed on. Thankfully.


"Your majesty I love it so much!" Ember told the Queen. After the guards went back to their duties and the rest of them sat on the couch in the living room talking, Lucas's mom had taken her to a room filled with the most beautiful dresses. She insisted Ember tried on some of them so she could see how they looked.

"Oh please call me Millie." She told her future daughter in-law as Ember currently wore a blue dress that went to her knees. The front part dipped just to the top of her chest as it was sleeveless as well. "And I'm glad that you love it. Feel free to keep it."

"Thank you Millie, I will take good care of it." Ember swore to her as Millie bent over laughing. "Sorry dear." She said while she composed herself. "You are very welcome, now go show it off to Lucas and your friends." She escorted Ember out to the stairs before giving her a wink and headed back to her room.

Lucas waited at the bottom of the stairs as he waited for his mate. His mother had mind-linked for him to wait there as she led Ember out of her dress room. To say that his jaw didn't drop in the slightest was an understatement. He watched as Ember's golden eyes found his and his heart rate picked up. She looked great in the blue dress and he had to stop himself from running up the stairs to meet her. He held out his hand for her as she reached the bottom of the stairs and embraced the tingles that he felt whenever his skin came into contact with hers.

Ember stared into her mate's green eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You look amazing in that dress." He told her.

"Thank you Lucas." She replied with a smile, happy that her mate likes it on her.

"Now let's go show your friends. They're currently in an argument on the best tasting tacos I believe."

"Okay now that topic I can't miss!"

They laughed as they made their way to the living room but stopped as they saw the scene unfold in front of them.

What is going on here!?


Chapter 5 is done!

Sorry if this one is a little short. The next one would surely be longer and have some action!





The Shifter's Pack (28 March 2020)Where stories live. Discover now