Chapter 11 - Conversations

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Courtney POV:

"Okay, let's do it."


We ate our lunch and talked about everything and anything. Stella told me about her life before moving here, about her ex-husband and her daughter. I didn't know she had a daughter, but that didn't bother me, I loved kids. She told me about her childhood, about how and when she started fancying girls.

"I have always known I was gay," I said. "Well, I didn't have a word for it at first, but I knew my heart only pounded for girls. I had my first girlfriend in kindergarten. Flirted with some girls throughout the rest of my school-years but they never ..." my voice trailed away when I had realized I was talking about something I shouldn't.

Stella looked at me confused to why I had stopped talking.

"This is a safe space," she said and put her hand over mine.

"It's just.. I'm not ready to talk about it.. sorry," I withdrew my hand but immediately regretted my action.

I slowly put my hand back on the table and moved it closer to Stella's. I traced the back of her hand and we slowly intertwined our fingers.

Holding her felt so natural, so perfect. Her hand was colder than mine. Her fingers were long and slim. Her nails were trimmed and painted in a light pink, matte shade.

I couldn't believe she had said yes. She wanted to give us a chance! We hadn't discussed exactly how but a yes was enough for me right now.

Stella looked over at her watch and we both realised we had to get back to reality, back to school and work, or we'd be late.

"I had a great time," she said, standing up but not losing my grip.

"Me too," I said.

We walked to the cashier and payed for our food, then walk outside into the sunny spring. I didn't want to let go her hand but we had to.

"I hope I see you soon," I said, searching for her eyes.

"You have my number."

We stood awkwardly for a bit, before we leaned into a hug which ultimately made us let go our hands. We said our goodbyes and went separate ways. Before I sped off on my bike I looked back at her car and we locked eyes one last time before she got into it.


Still panting from my bike ride from school, I walked through the front door into my home. Mom was in the kitchen and greeted me happily when I came in.

"Hello, how was your day?"

"It was good, as usual. Just a normal day, nothing special," I said. I hadn't told mom about my lunch with Stella. I hadn't told her about anything to do with Stella.

"You sound awfully happy," mom said. "Met someone?"

"Why does love have to be the only factor to happiness? Maybe I just had a good day with my friends?" I said.

"I didn't say anything about love," mom objected and winked. I sighed and mom took out an apple from the fridge and handed it to me. I looked angrily at her but accepted it and sliced it up.

"So, I have something I want to discuss with you," mom said as she leaned against the counter. I looked up from my apple and saw that she was nervous.

"You know that you come from a sperm doner," she started. "Well, when I decided on who was going to be the doner, I also got to decide if I wanted the possibility for you to meet him after you turned 18."

She stopped but I waved my hand for her to continue.

"Well, I decided I wanted you to have that opportunity, if you wanted, so now that you're 18 you can meet him. If you want," she said looking anxiously at me. I couldn't believe it was true. I had always wondered who half of my genes came from. Curious about the history of my blood.

"Do you want to?" Mom asked as I hadn't done anything but stare at her for a minute.

"Yes yes yes, of course I want to!" I exclaimed jumping up and down and hugging her tightly. "I never knew this was a possibility but I've always wanted to meet him. Not that you haven't been parent enough," I pulled away and looked mom in the eye. "You have been the best mom I could ever have dreamed of. I'm just curious about the other part of me I know nothing about."

"I know, and I'm glad you want to meet him. Actually, I have never met him or even seen a photo. I just know about some basic medical stuff like hair and eye colour, height and if he has any diseases." Mom looked relieved about my answer and we were both excited.

"When can I meet him?" I asked.

"Whenever you want. I can make the first contact if you want to and make them set up a time for you to meet."

"That would be great, thanks! Take the soonest time they can offer!" I was so excited. I hadn't thought about it that much before, but now I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The first thought that crossed my mind when I got up in my room was to text Stella and tell her. Or should I call her? No, texting is fine.

A few minutes later I got a response.

"That's great, I'm really happy for you! I hope he's nice!" - Stella

"I hope so too. I kinda want you to be there when we meet, at least wait with me until he comes. Would you do that?" - me

"Of course, if you want me to, I'd be happy to help! Tell me where and when and I'll be there :)" - Stella

"Thank you, that means a lot! I'm really nervous, more than I thought I would. I don't know when yet but I hope soon!" - me

This was going to be an interesting experience. And interesting it would be...

A/N: Thank you again for reading!
I feel like I'm developing my writing skills together with the story.

What do you think so far, any suggestions on future plots?

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