chapter 1

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Wonwoo was happy for his boyfriend, he was an up and rising star. He already had a very secure fan base. Some of which who didn't like the idea of Wonwoo being his boyfriend and had some sick delusion that they could turn Mingyu straight and make him dump Wonwoo. Sometimes Wonwoo feared that. When mingyu was away for such long times on tour he thought mingyu would hate the distance and need some fun.

And so Wonwoo sat at the restaurant. Tapping his foot impatiently. He couldn't even count how many times Mingyu was late to their dates on his fingers anymore. One time Mingyu didn't even show up. Wonwoo understands that he's busy but being late became a routine. He didn't want someone unreliable.

Mingyu speed walked into the restaurant and saw Wonwoo's table. It was a fancy restaurant so he didn't want to make a scene so he just walked over and planted a kiss on the top of Wonwoo's head.

"Sorry. The CEO wanted me to stay for longer to meet his other rappers"

Wonwoo just nodded trying to seem like he understood but he didn't. He just wanted once for Mingyu not to be late. Before he was signed to PLEDIS every date was amazing and fun because Mingyu was never late. Now they're bland and he's starting to think Mingyu is so oblivious that he doesn't see Wonwoo losing interest. He just wanted a single phone call or message that said 'I'm sorry I'm going to be late but I'll make it up to you' but the earliest Mingyu had ever shown up after he was signed to PLEDIS was 10 minutes late. A kiss wasn't going to make him forgive him.

Wonwoo twirled the fork in his hand, not wanting to converse with mingyu. They sat there in silence for 15 minutes before Mingyu decided to say something. Nothing sweet just,

"How late was I this time?"
"Half an hour" Wonwoo said with his cheek resting on his hand. "I ordered just before you came"

When the food came out they ate in silence.

"Do you remember when we said we'd move in with each other?" Wonwoo asked. Mingyu thought for a while.
"....yes?" Wonwoo sighed. He knew mingyu didn't even listen to him talk anymore.
"Well I just want to tell you now's not the time" Mingyu just nodded and went back to eating.

When they finished eating Mingyu drove Wonwoo home. They got to his doorstep. Wonwoo avoided contact with Mingyu until Mingyu kissed him. It lasted less then 10 seconds and it almost gave Wonwoo hope again. Then he remembered how unreliable Mingyu was and all the excitement left him.

"I love you" Mingyu said.
"I know" Wonwoo made a small smile and unlocked the door to his house. "Good night" he said before stepping in the house and closing the door behind him. He slid down the door and curled up into a ball.

'If only' he thought 'if only he knew how far I am away from him'

Aww baby don't cry
I hope writing this doesn't make me cry
They're so wonderful together

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