chapter 11

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Wonwoo walked through the mess of plastic cups and plates trying to get to the kitchen. He saw someone passed out on the couch and just shrugged it off. He skimmed through the fridge and found leftovers from a few day ago. He sat down on the kitchen counter and ate it. Soon after, mingyu stumbled into the kitchen, getting a glass of water for himself.
"You okay?" Wonwoo asked and Mingyu just nodded.
"Sorry for falling asleep in your room last night"
"It's okay. You fell asleep on my window so it doesn't matter. By the way there's someone asleep on the couch" Mingyu looked over at the couch and groaned.
"Minghao!" He shook him. "Go to your room" Minghao whined and went back to sleep. "Jun's in your room" Minghao got up and left.
"So.. how's everything getting cleaned up?"
"Cleaning crew" Mingyu yawned.
"You should really learn how to do things by yourself" Wonwoo said and Mingyu looked at him.
"When we were dating who was the one cleaning up everything" Mingyu retorted and Wonwoo looked away smiling. Mingyu rested his chin on his hand, with his elbow on the kitchen counter.
"My manager called this morning, she said they'd be releasing an official statement soon about my break up with Hansol"
"You're breaking up?"
"Yeah... Our companies both got enough out of it" Wonwoo nodded understandingly. "And I was just wondering-"
"Not yet" Wonwoo suddenly said and Mingyu sighed.
"I know" Mingyu looked way. "When will you be ready?"
"I.... mingyu I don't even know if I'm still in love with you" Mingyu started to frown.
"We were happy before..."
"I know mingyu.. but you're ten times more famous now. Our relationship isn't going to last if we jump straight back into it. So let's just wait" Wonwoo took his phone and walked back to his room.

Wonwoo was lying on his bed when Jun came into the room.
"What?" Jun fell down next to him.
"Minghao said another guy was good looking" Jun pouted.
"And who was this guy?"
"Jaehyun, the one who came to the party last night" Wonwoo held back a laugh. "What? It's not funny!" Jun whined.
"He's pretty good looking of course Minghao thinks he's hot"
"Hot? Noooo" Jun denied it. "I feel like this counts as cheating"
"I saw you flirting with a barista I'm pretty sure it doesn't"
"Hey! I was just trying to get a good deal" Jun rolled over so he was on his stomach, face pressed against the pillow screaming.
"Where is he now?"
"He went outside to sit by the pool" Wonwoo sighed and fished his phone out of the mess of blankets and called Minghao.
"Hey Hao"
"What's up?"
"Your boyfriend thinks you're cheating on him"
"Tell him he's stupid"
"Minghao thinks you're stupid" Wonwoo repeated to Jun and jun gasped.
"I am not!" He yelled into the phone.
"Whatever. Can you come to my room?"
"Only if I get to bring mingyu... for fairness"
Wonwoo bit his lip and looked at Jun who was doing some sort of pout.

Mingyu sat down next to Wonwoo on his window whilst they watched Jun and Minghao argue. Wonwoo knew the fight wouldn't last long. It was bit weird to be helping his ex fix his relationship but him and Jun were never really that close to each other in a sense of boyfriends, they were always best friends.

Mingyu was leaning on the window and Wonwoo had his back on mingyus chest out of habit. Wonwoo was reenacting everything that happened in Jun and Minghao's fight with Mingyus hands.
"Jun you can't blame him. Jaehyun is really good looking" Wonwoo said and Jun glared at him.
"You're being silly Jun" Minghao giggled as he said it. "I only love you. But I'm allowed to look at people"
Jun looked like he was having an argument in his own head.
"You're right" he sighed and Wonwoo used Mingyus hands to clap.
"We're done here right?" Wonwoo asked and Jun looked at him with a mischievous smile.
"Nope. Not until we fix you and Mingyu" he raised his eyebrows at the position they were in and Wonwoo finally realised that he wasn't dating mingyu anymore. He tried to leave but mingyu held him back. Something about warmth. Minghao smiled at the scene. He was glad his best friend was in love. Even if they weren't official.
"Why can't you two get back together already?"
"First of all" Mingyu started. "The company just announced I broke up with Hansol, we need to wait at least a month and~" Mingyu dragged out the last word. "Jumping into things is the last thing we wanna do" Wonwoo nodded agreeing with what Mingyu said.
"You two look like a couple right now" Minghao stated.
"A couple of besties" Wonwoo winked at Minghao as he was smiling.
"Get a grip, both of you" Jun said and Wonwoo glared at him.

The rest of the night the four talked and Wonwoo fell asleep leaning on Mingyus chest whilst Jun and Minghao went to their own room.

Mingyu played with Wonwoo's hands gently and pressed a kiss to his hair, before drifting off to sleep himself.

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