Fear of Love

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You wanted to cry because of how cornered you felt.
And the worse part? Chanyeol isn't helping you one beat.

What's his deal?!

"You left together to send the twins home? So...." Baekhyun opens his mouth again.

You gulp, bracing yourself in whatever stupidity that Baekhyun will blurt out.

"Did you see the girl Chanyeol was with?" He asked in excitement.

I love you BYUN BAEKHYUN!!!!!

You play neutral and shrug. "I didn't."

"That's unfortunate." They all mumble after the other.

Wow, was your relationship with Chanyeol that severe that they immediately toss you out of the choices?
Especially the twins. It seems like the comment they made last night, which was the cause of all of this, was only made out of drunkness.
They were so convinced that you really wanted to strangle them both.
But it was yours and Chanyeol's fault for taking the bet seriously.

You eyed Chanyeol who only chuckled on how stupid your friends are and shook his head.
You glared at him for not helping you which he returned with a grin.

Now you're really considered killing him.

The gang started to talk animatedly and they were also getting drunk but you still haven't spotted Kyungsoo.
For all you know, he's fucking someone at the moment.

Baekhyun who's on your right side was starting to get drown on the alcohol too and now started flirting with you.

Well, that's not new.
He was always a flirt.
Usually, you would be flicking his forehead or pulling his hair, but you just let him this time because of unconsciously saving you from earlier.

He put his arm around your shoulder and whisper some words that made you chuckle.
You were having a good time with Baekhyun when you felt a very intense stare that would probably drill a hole through your head.

You whip your attention around to catch whoever it is but to no avail you saw no one.
Everyone was talking with someone else, even Chanyeol is talking to Suho.
It made you frown. Who could that be?

"Y/N what do you think our baby would be like if we end up together?" Baekhyun asked.

You laugh at the question. "Maybe psychotic."

"Don't say that." He whines but a smirk replaced it soon after. "But you really did consider having my baby." Baekhyun grin from ear to ear.

"Yeah sure." You played along with him.
"He or she will probably have your ashy platinum blonde and will have my features."

"Why do I only get the hair?"

"Then if he's a boy, he'll have your dick." You both laugh at your own jokes.

Baekhyun snakes his arm around you and placed his head on your shoulder. "That's a promise. Your firstborn would be mine." He mumbles under his breath.

You shook your head.
This guy is really getting drunk.
You're sure he won't remember anything he said for tonight when morning comes.

All of you jump on your seat when Chanyeol's glass fell over. Even Baekhyun sat up in a daze.
He probably dozes off while leaning onto you.

"Sorry. Hand slip." Chanyeol just shrugs and began talking again with Suho.

"Oh! I like that music." Sehun blurted out. "Dance with me Y/N."

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