After Summer 4

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We were on our way home. Himari joined me as we walked back to our apartment. Mayumi caught up on us at the gate of the school saying that she had to take care of things back at the Badminton Club.

We walked our way and we stopped by at the convenience store so that Himari can buy our dinner before we got back to our apartment. Mayumi quickly hit the showers once we have arrived, and Himari and I quickly get into my room to start studying.

"So, always remember that singulars subjects have the letter 'S' for their plurals."

"Ohhh! That makes much more sense."

"Hotaru! I'm done with the shower, you can go now!" Mayumi shouted at me.

"Be there in a sec!" I said to her.

"Okay, try now looking for their correct verbs for these other questions." I said to Himari and she nodded while I quickly took a shower.

I took my time to clean and rinse myself. As soon as I finished up showering and putting on my clothes, I went to check up on Himari.

"Is this right?"

"Yes! You got it!" and she screamed in joy. She fell into my bed like she was resting from all that thinking.

"Hey, Hotaru..."


"I have always wondered why you have that mask on that shelf?" She asked as she was pointing to a certain mask I have placed on the top shelf.

I grabbed the mask she was pointing at.

"This mask? Heh. A dear friend gave it to me." I said to her.

"Hmmm, then they must be very special to you huh?"

I began to remember visions of Gin inside my head. Like picture of him are flashing inside my mind like a movie. I can start to hear his voice again like they were whispering at the back of my mind. 

"Yeah. He is."

I continued teaching her the lesson and as soon as we finished, we ate dinner. I called Mayumi in her room. She's not answering so I opened the door and I saw her listening to her headphones while doing her homework. We all sat on the table and began eating our food.

"Hotaru, thank you for inviting me over and helping me with the lesson. I'll be sure to remember all those pointers you gave me." 

"Sure Himari, always happy to help. Also thanks for the dinner. You're welcome again if you want me to teach you again."

"I'll be sure to check on that."  

She went on out from my apartment saying that she needs to do something over at her house and she needs to go home quickly. I said goodbye to her and I went back to my room and cleaned up all of the mess we have made. While I was cleaning, I have stumbled on Gin's mask on my bed. I began to remember memories about Gin. 

His memories are still vivid like he is still fresh and nearby. I fell on my bed and still looking on his mask. I really looked upon the details of the mask. I turned the mask around and I saw something odd. 


His name was engraved on the mask and in cursive, like it was really built for him this way. How special. I look at the clock and it reads 9:20PM

I did not noticed that I have already fallen asleep. 


I was back on that mountain again. Everything is still in place. The shrine, the stairs, the lamp, and the trees. This was the dream I had before. Gin was standing at the foot of the stairs again. His back was facing towards me. And then he faced me and opened his arms again. 

I tried to move towards him, but this time my footsteps were not heavier than before. It was lighter that I was confident that I will catch up to him this time. 

I can really see his face smiling at me while calling my name "Hotaru!"

"I am almost there Gin!" 

With my desperation, I jumped towards him so that I can hug him faster. I can feel his arms wrapped around me, his warmth, his touch. Like he's so real. 

Wait... This doesn't feel right?

I pushed him away from me while I was still holding his arms. 

"Gin... Why do you look so real?" 

I can see his face filled with confusion before smiling at me. His body began to glow light and everything was just so bright. 


"GAAAAH!" I screamed. 

It was the middle of the night. I looked at the clock and it reads 2:45AM. What a weird dream. It looked very realistic. 

I noticed that there was something on my face. I quickly touched my face and I was surprised that Gin's mask was on my face. I tried to relax and breathe a bit. I'll just remove Gin's mask tomorrow.

I was about to go to sleep when a male voice whispered into my left ear. 

"Did you sleep well, Hotaru?" 


I looked to where that voice came from and I was suprised to what am I just seeing right now. 


He just smiled at me. He really is there! The same face without a mask. No doubt, that was really him! I quickly removed the mask and I looked around the room. But Gin was nowhere to be found inside the room. Am I seeing things? Have I still not moved on from this? But wait... something's a bit off. 

I put on the mask again and I tried to look around the room. 

"Hotaru?" Someone spoke behind my back. 


"Ahhh! Relax! It's me! Gin!"

"G-Gin? Is it really you?" 

He smiled at me again. How? Is this really happening? 

"Can you really see me?" Gin asked and I nodded slowly. "H-Hey? Are you crying?" 

I can feel my tears flowing down my cheeks. I think my heart just skipped a beat. I quickly jumped to hug him but nonetheless, I think I just hugged the air. I just went past through him.

"W-What? Why can't I hug you?" 

"Hmmm, Don't know either. But isn't it great? We can see each other again!"

"This mask..." 


"This mask... This mask helps me to talk to you, Gin!" 

 "Wait Hotaru-"

I removed the mask before he can say another word. I looked at the same spot where he was sitting earlier and he was not there. I put back the mask and he was standing there patiently waiting for me to put back on the mask.

"You did not let me finish my sentence." Gin said to me with a cute frown.

"S-Sorry, I had to check if this really is happening. Is this thing not really a recorded message?" 

Gin stood straight and check himself for something. 

"I think not." 

"Then. I am glad to see you again... Gin." 

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