Chapter 5: "Because i think i feel safe when i'm with You"~~

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"Sleep on Sneezy's bed! It has more space and it's very comfy, right Sneeze-man?" Jocelyn asked him.

"But why don't you let her sleep beside you then??" Sneezy asked.

"I dunno, Sneezy. I don't feel comfortable when someone is sleeping beside me unless it's not a stranger but i just don't know." She explained and shrugged then went to her own bed, "Well i gotta hit the hay, G'night Sneezy & Miley or should i say MEEZY!" She giggled and went to sleep.

Sneezy & Miley blushed at her remark and name calling so they went to the bed and Sneezy spoke up,

"Sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch"

"N-no! I will take the couch instead." Miley said.

"But your back will hurt" He said.

"Nah i should be just fine...." Miley insisted.

"Nope. Maybe we should just sleep together but don't worry, i won't try to do anything funny." Sneezy offered.

Miley made an unsure face for a few seconds before speaking at last, "Promise?"

Sneezy nods, "I promise"

Minutes later while they are deep asleep, Miley began tossing and turning in her sleep as she let out a soft whimper that made Sneezy confused as he suddenly woke up and sees Miley having nightmares probably.


Miley only let out a few sniffles as she suddenly turned and unexpectedly hugged Sneezy tight like a pillow as she was still asleep, Sneezy blushed at this but he looked worried as he saw her face that she was having a nightmare so he had an idea.

It's crazy and looked unexpected but he have to so she could sleep peacefully again. So he wrapped an arm around her, rubbing her back to calm her down and humming a song that is similar to what Miley almost sang at the shower then he used his free arm to wrap the blanket around them to keep warmth as he heard Miley's little snores which is a sign that she is calm and is now deep asleep. Sneezy smiling at what he did. As the night went deeper, the hugging turned into an unexpected cuddle overnight.

"Do you think they-"

"Sleepy, why are you asking such question? It's DUMB"

"Grumpy, stop being rude! And be quiet, they're still sleeping!"

"Shouldn't we be waking them up?"

Whispered voices ringing everywhere as Sneezy opened his eyes to see Sleepy, Grumpy, Doc & Bashful looking at him with grinning faces that tells him everything and he sighed,

"Should we discuss it on breakfast?"

The leader nodded as the 3 followed, the others is already downstairs, having breakfast and Sneezy waited 'til Miley is up and he smiled as she was now awake

"Good morning, Miley! Had a good night sleep?" Sneezy asked

"Mhmm well yeah i guess...." Miley replied, smiling sleepily

"Well it's time to eat breakfast! I guess they made pancakes today!" Sneezy exclaimed as he went down for breakfast.

Miley smiled at his cheerfulness as she was about to go down when she felt like she was being watched and she glanced from the window that an owl was watching her and her eyes went wide that she ran down the stairs, feeling afraid that someone might see her.

"So what are you guys going to do today?" Miley asked as she gulps down her orange juice and smiled.

"Well, we'll work at the mines but we don't know if Queen D will need us" Bashful said to her.

"Ohh okay" She replied back.

"Want to join us so you could meet her?" Jocelyn asked

"Sure thing!" Miley said gladly

The others agreeded then they went on their way.

Meanwhile, the owl from earlier was done watching from the window when she transformed into a human with long blonde hair, fair skin, icy blue eyes and wears a brown cloak with designs of an Owl's wings over a white skirt, yellow sleeveless top and white sandals with straps that leads/covers up to her knees and a battle sword that is placed near her hips are.

"Okay, need to relax though. She's probably thinking that I'll pick her up. Well she's NOT wrong about that" The figure spoke before a light shown and a dove appeared out of nowhere as the figure rolled her eyes. "'Kay, Lia the party's over. I saw her"

The dove transformed into a human girl that has a pout on her face, "Aww!! But i was looking forward to see a battle!" She said. This girl has long blonde hair that she could be mistaken as Rapunzel, she has fair skin like the owl-person, sky blue eyes and her outfit is all white, from her ribbons to her head, spaghetti strap dress and flat ballerina shoes.

"Tsk then what do you expect? Come on, we have to report it to Queen Khaycie." She then turned to an owl again and flew away.

"Whatever you say, Coleen" Lia says as she turned into a dove and followed her.

Unknowingly to her, a certain witch and warlock saw the whole thing....

They were finally heading out when Sneezy was staring at Miley which she noticed and turned to him, "What?" She asked.

Sneezy blushed, "N-nothing." He stammered. "But can i ask something?" He added and asked.

Miley just nodded.

"Why did you hugged me tight last night?"

Miley blushed at this, "I didn't know that. Maybe because I was having a nightmare." She said.

"Oh really? Good thing that i comforted you" He said, "But why still though?"

"Because i think I feel safe when i'm with you" Miley replied, now blushing like a tomato.

The others overhears this and gushed and some of them giggled. Sneezy glares at them but they just went to a laughing fit before heading to the castle as soon as they heard the Bing Bong bell ringing.


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