Chapter Eleven: A Truth Unveiled.

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Her mum's letter arrived a week before the Christmas break. It didn't say much (as expected) and that annoyed her beyond belief. How long would her family hide things from her? She wasn't a baby! Either way, she wrote back telling her mum that she understood, and hoped that her uncle would feel better for the rest of the term, though she knew he wasn't going to. Still, she didn't need to tell her all to help uncle Lupin, she would do it on her own.

Mel also made sure to tell Harry she would go to the next visit to Hogsmeade, which was that very same weekend. She told the boy she wanted to buy presents and all, and he said it was okay, though she could see he felt a little betrayed, even if he insisted that she should go without him. So that Saturday morning, Mel got her favorite coat and hat and stood next to Hermione and Ron on the line, with Harry standing beside them. She didn't see the twins around, so a terrible thought made its way through– What if they took back their promise and they weren't going to give Harry the map?

No, the twins were good blokes, not liars– All was fine. The girl gave her friend one last hug and joined the rest of the students. 

The town was even more beautiful than expected, the little houses and the various types of establishments made her slightly dizzy, it was hard to worry when so many wonders surrounded her.

"Well," Ron smiled widely. "Where to first?"

She realized the boy was asking her, so she looked around.

"Honeydukes sounds just fine," She grinned.


During five minutes her eyes kept moving from one place to another, her hands already full of free samples. A familiar face entered the store and as soon as he saw her, he walked all the way to where she was.

"You came," Erick said with a pleased smile. She jumped, dropping a bag of marshmallows between their feet.

"I needed to do my Christmas shopping," She thanked him when he reached for the bag and returned it to its shelf.

"If you say so, Miss..."

"Can you stop calling me that?" She huffed. "'Miss'– You've known me for two years, I think you can cut the formalities."

"Sorry for having manners," He raised a brow.

"Manners of a grandad," She snorted. 

"My family's not exactly young–" Erick sort of pouted. "My brother's the only young man apart from me, and he doesn't talk much..."

"Right, cause he's an idiot," Mel nodded distractedly, picking random jars and smelling their contents.

"Clearly," He agreed. "Really, why are you here? I thought you'd wait until your boyfriend was allowed to come?"

"Harry's not my boyfriend," Mel replied calmly. "I told you, I'm buying presents. Why are you talking to me in public, anyway? Where are your lovely friends?"

"They went for butterbeers. I said I needed to buy ink."

"I assume you lied," She smiled, taking a few chocolates and adding them to her bag.

"I saw you walk into the store and my curiosity won, I needed to know what could've possibly happened for you to willingly walk away from your darling boy..."

"You're an eighty-year-old living in a boy's body," She teased.

"Mel–" Ron and Hermione walked around the corner, holding two small bags filled with their sweets. "You've to-"

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