Chapter Twelve: Hermione's Decisions.

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"Did it work?"


"The map, did it work?"


Mel was back in the common room after dinner only to find the tower stinking thanks to the Dungbombs Fred and George'd thrown in celebration for the end of term. She was thinking about going to bed when the twins stood in her way, looking happy as ever.

"Yes, it worked," She said distractedly. "Thank you- I'm a little tired, so if you guys don't mind..."

"You're all right?" Fred frowned.

Mel tried to explain, come up with a simple lie to brush it off, but she couldn't think of any.

"She's tired, Fred," George looked at his brother intently. "Let's move..."

"I can walk on my own!" His brother grunted, sending one last look at her. "Well... have a good night, Mel."

"Bye..." She didn't even bother to try and convince them that she was fine, she wasn't.

Of all the lies, this one was probably the one that stung more. Her mum should've told her something, anything, about her father. Even the tiniest detail would've made her understand. What was her mother so afraid of? Was she ashamed of not being able to save her friends and husband? Sirius Black had the blame. 

It was his fault that she was fatherless, that Harry had to live with the Dursleys, that their lives were incomplete. How a man so close to someone could just betray like that? She knew how it was to be friends with someone who was always being threatened by others, to be scared for your own life but risking it anyway because your friend needs you.

How could he look at James and Lily Potter and still give them away to Voldemort? He was a cold, heartless man, and knowing that Voldemort would probably also kill her dad and her in the process, could it really exist someone that cruel?

It shouldn't. Mel thought while getting under the covers.

Sirius Black shouldn't exist at all.


She didn't speak while Hermione and Ron tried to persuade Harry from chasing Black. Truth be told, Mel thought it was his right to be angry and to want justice, more so when Black had also gotten her dad killed. If it wasn't for him, things would've been easier.

Ron offered to visit Hagrid and Harry agreed almost immediately just so he could be angry at someone else besides Ron and Hermione. Mel didn't refuse, she put on her cloak and followed the group until they reach Hagrid's house.

"Hagrid!" called Harry, slamming his fist against the door. "Hagrid, are you in there?"

A second later Hagrid appeared, looking completely devastated.

"Yeh've heard?" He threw himself at Harry, crying his eyes out.

Ron and Hermione walked forward to get a hold of their friend, entering the house with Hagrid between them.

"Hagrid, what is it?" said Hermione.

"What's this, Hagrid?" Harry pointed to the letter on the table. 

Hagrid pushed it towards him and the boy read it out loud.

'Dear Mr. Hagrid,
Further to our inquiry into the attack by a hippogriff on a student in your class, we have accepted the assurances of Professor Dumbledore that you bear no responsibility for the regrettable incident-'

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