Chapter 2

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I thought in my head today while getting up it's my birthday and I am turning 14 years old wow has time flown. There will be a lot to do today since I am the birthday girl. I should get dressed and go eat breakfast.

Leia and Han cooked breakfast and sat the table in the dining room. The air smells good and a grumpy Ben walks in shortly after (Y, N). " Mom I told you already I don't want to train with Uncle Luke I am okay training myself". You sit down next to Han and smile. "Morning what are we doing today". He looks at you surprised and laughs at you. " We're going to celebrate your birthday of course darling". Ben and Leia were still arguing.

" Mom for the last time I am not going to go with Uncle Luke to train especially since she needs me here Mom I can't leave her behind". Leia looks at her son with a harsh look on her eyes.

" (Y, N) will be fine Ben but you need help I can't control your anger anymore but Luke will be able to help you, your 23 and growing mad to the drained Ben I can't take it anymore". Then he got very mad at his mom and used to force to throw her across the kitchen into the dishwasher. You looked over worried at Leia as Ben stormed off outside to his secret hiding place.

" Are you okay Leia?" She looks at you with a smile on her face and hugged you. " I am fine my dear but Ben is not he needs training maybe you can convince him he listens to you more than us". You helped her up and then carried breakfast to the table. Then you guys ate.

" Okay, Leia I will go talk to Ben even though it is my birthday". She slimed at you and gave you a gift. " That is good to hear my dear you can open this when you get back and will celebrate, sorry for Ben acting out. You turn to leave out the door. " Don't be he is a knucklehead and all of us know that".

Lucky since you hang out with Ben all the time you knew exactly where his hiding spot was. Inching upon him with an angry look on your face he knew you were there. He was taking in the fresh air of the sea and smiled.

" Come sit with me (Y, N) I am sorry for acting out on your birthday I didn't mean to just I am so angered all the time. You sat by him and lend your head on his shoulder. He looks over at you. " Can you forgive me please". Shaking your head yes.

" On one condition Ben, you need Luke Skywalker's help for he is the one that can help you". He looks out onto the blue ocean and frowns.

" That would mean leaving you behind my little one and I can't do that I care for you to much". You get up and splash ocean water on him to wake him up. " Ben I know I mean a lot to you but if you don't get your anger under control you could kill me or someone else". Frustrated he got up and started to splash water your way salt got in your mouth and you spit it out.

" Ben please for me if you truly care for me and my safety you will train with Luke". He thought long and hard about what you said. " Fine, I will go only because of you and I want to get this issue under control for you my little one". Achieving your mission you were happy and started to splash him more with water. He laughed and then tackled you into the water making a big loud splash. There was a breeze in the air and you guys got out of the water.

Log and twig hunting you guys made a fire to dry off since you knew Leia would not want her house dripping wet. The sun was beautiful as it sat upon the blue ocean sky. The smoke led the sky and the ocean breeze mixed in with it. You sighed and looked at the sun and smoke that was a mixture.

" Ben I know this is for the best but I'll miss y out so much". He hugged you and smiled. " I'll miss you too my little beautiful girl, but I will always be here for you. Knowing he kept his word you smiled and you guys headed home.

It was late evening when you arrived back home. Dinner was done and the cake was made. Han looked up from the newspaper he was reading. And Leia was happy to see you finally made it back. Ben sat down by his mom and you sat by Han.

" Mom I am sorry for what I did and will train with Uncle Luke but only to keep her save from myself". Leia was pleased and hugged her son. " I am proud of you Ben now let's celebrate (Y, N) birthday". You all ate delicious spaghetti and meatballs and then cake afterward. The gifts were placed on the table and you opened them. First, you open the gift from Han. It was a pilot jacket that looked like his but in your size. He smiles as you opened it.

" It will look good on you my little pilot I want to one day teach you to fly like I taught Ben". You laughed and shook your head yes! Next, you opened the gift from Leia. A wide shocked expression melted your face and you got very excited. It was a lightsaber! You were so happy and jumped up and down. " I am going to get to train finally in the ways of the force-yes!" Leia's heart melted when you were happy and had that grin from ear to ear. Ben gave you his present. It was a necklace that had a black string that held a pearl on it and it shines bright when the lights hit it. You looked confused like what is this for kinda look.

" It's just a little something I thought you might like it I got it the other day on a swim". You eyed the pearl on the black string some more. There was a big smile on your face and you laughed. "Ben I love it is beautiful"! He looked up at you in relive and his shirt was sweaty because he thought that you would not like it.  

"To tell you the truth little one I got it for you because in the sun it shines very bright just like the light side of the force". Leia's mouth fell open in shock and looked at her son intensely. He looked at his mother then back to you." You have so much good and light in you (Y, N) and you shine will shine like a bright light on the right side of the force, so make us proud". It got later and you got sleepy and yawned. Ben grab your presents and took them to your room. You followed him and laid down in your bed. He pulled the blankets over you and sat on the bed beside you. His hand tapped you on the leg and you sighed.

"Ben I know I convinced you to train with Luke but I don't want you to leave tomorrow". Tears ran down your face and he wiped them off with his thumbs. 

"My little buddy I must go it was all arranged already and I need to learn how to control my anger for you will be safer around me". Looking at him with teary eyes. "But what if you don't come back to me, I'll be forever sad". He stood up and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"I promise I will return to you your my buddy, my world, my everything (Y, N) I will be back". Him saying this made you feel better and you finally fell asleep. Ben left the room and fell asleep in his own room.  

The next day came very fast and the whole house was up as Ben packed his bag and then was walked to Luke's starfighter by Leia, Han, and you. Luke hugged his sister and Han. He kneeled down to your level sensing your uneasiness.  " I will take care of him I promise okay". Luke hugged you then got in the plane and waited for Ben to load in too. 

Ben gave his parents both a hug and a kiss. You ran over to him and hugged him tightly. " Remember I will return and remember you will train to and be a great Jedi and will light the force with your greatness". Then you saw him off with Leia and Han. That was the last time you also saw Han for he had smuggling to do with Chewie. But you would be very busy training with Leia as she took on your Jedi training.    

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