Chapter 3

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Six years later the time has gone by your now 20 years old. Your location now is the Resistance Base located on D'Qar. See what happened was the first order emerged from the shadows in the six years Ben was not with you. He turned to the dark side and killed his fellow padawans. Turned against Luke, Leia, Han, and you.

Your POV

I can't believe six years have gone by so fast I miss being a teenager and above all I miss Ben. I heard from my Master Leia that he has turned to the dark side of the force and it crushes me. All I can think is why him, why Ben? It bothers me on a daily bases, especially with my training schedule. Leia's son also turning to the dark side has made her very exhausted.

I guess I should get out of my bed and meet my master on the training grounds of the Resistance Base. I decided to get dressed in my favorite black sweater and training sweat pants and my black boots that go to my knees. I grab my saber and run out the door.

Leia looks at me as I arrive " your late my young apprentice and you know I like you here on time every day". I look to the ground knowing that I am in trouble and sigh.

"Sorry Master Leia I did not mean to ever since I heard that he turned to the dark-side I can't stop thinking about him I am worried about him." Frustrated you set on the log for your meditating session and she sits next to you. She takes your hands and makes you close your eyes to focus. Deep in a meditation session, you flow with your master.

I did not since anything for a few moments as my mind went back to Ben. All I cloud do was think about him constantly. Master Leia sighs and opens her eyes.

" (Y, N) you must focus on your training get him out of your head girl." Her already knowing that I can't get him out of my head took my hands and forcefully made me get up. She thought about an idea I hated the most. Looking pleased with herself she looks at me.

" Fine since your not going to mediate with me then you can go on your 10-mile run right now that should make you focus". Frustrated I start for my ten miles run for the day. Shortly after the gorgeous pilot Poe Darmsom came running after me. There was a sexy smirk expression on his face.

" General Organa orders I go with you on your to help keep you focused." Why would she send him out of all people to join me I think he is hot and this could get very distracting great. He could tell I was uneasy and laughed at me.

" I won't be distracting beautiful I promise." I glare at him to last him a lifetime. And then jog full speed ahead and pace me. Poe's brown eyes gleamed at me and he took off running after me. We ran for two miles and had to take a break. I take out my water bottle and drink a little sip of it. Poe is sweaty and it's coming down shirt like no tomorrow. Wow, this must have been the work out for him he must not run as much as I do. Those brown eyes looked at me and his hair was soaked in his sweat.

" You know princess you could have waited for me to run by your side not leave me in the dust." I punched him in the arm. " You know pilot I don't care I did not ask you to come with me my master ordered you too, are you ready to continue?" Springing to the feet I get up and start to run but being held back and I get ferocious.

" Now hold on princess we should rest a bit longer you tired it's written all over your face and of you croak on me Leia will blame me." Laughing hard I start to cry happy tears. " Poe your to funny you won't get in trouble and hit him on the rump. This comes as a shocker to him and he turns around to face me quickly.

" You know that belongs to me right not you, but you are being very flirty right now I like it." Just great now he was getting very distracting to the point where I almost couldn't take it. He runs his hands tough my sweaty hair and puts a few loose strands behind my hair. He leans closer to my face and his hands slid to my hips. I feel his deep breaths on me and it smelled of onion.

" You know princess I have liked you since I first got here a few years ago." Those brown eyes of his and sexy smirk had me in a daze and I wanted to kiss his lips. I run my hands through his brown hair and lean closer to him. He gets the message and the action. Our lips hit into one another and I melt into the kiss. It lasts for a few minutes and it felt so right I felt butterflies in my stomach. I realized that this may be right but why does it also feel wrong. Then I realized that I loved Ben but also have some feelings for the sexy pilot.  The kiss we shared broke away and we both had to breathe.

" You know your a great kisser beautiful!" Poe looks at me and laughs " we'll have to do it again some time we should head back to base Leia is calling a meeting." My eyes glare at him. " Well, my sexy pilot friend I don't know if a kiss like that well happens between us ever again." He elbows me someone is very salty now do not ruin my fun race you back and the last one had to clean the star-fighters there a greasy mess."

I dash off towards the base but then feel very wired and I fall to the ground passing out. It is like something in the force told me to buy what? I open my eyes and am on the Starkiller base. There was darkness near me and I felt sick to my stomach and there was a black hooded man looking at me with a mask. He walks to me angrily and pins me to the wall by my throat.

" How dare you kiss another man beside me I once told you that you were my whole world, my life, and my everything how dare you!" I couldn't breathe and he let me drop to the ground and just left me there storming off like a child. I hear another voice one that I never heard before but felt a connection to.

" (Y, N), (Y, L, N) you must get up my granddaughter for that was just a dream and not real even though it may have felt with your powers in the force grows stronger. I look up and see a darker skin Jedi staring me down to the eye.

" Who are you I never heard of you before." He helps me to my feet and hugs me. " I am your grandfather from your mothers' side the name is Mace Windu and you find out everything you need to know on time." I had so many questions and I felt more powerful being around my grandfather's force ghost. He grabs me firmly and helps me up to my feet.

" Go now child for I don't have much time and you are needed back at the base your Master Leia has passed out and is in pain." Wonder in the eyes I hug him. " Well I see you again grandpa I have many questions and need guidance. He chuckles.

" Yes, you will see me again for I am one with the force like you shall be and I will always watch over you." Eyes open and he is gone. I rush back to the base to find my master.

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