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"Hey, you showed up." Luke tosses an arm around my shoulders softly.

"You asked me to, and I agreed. I'm not about to become a liar." I chuckle.

"Ya, but studying." He smirks, stepping away as Peter calls him over to get his guitar on.

"College will be there in the morning." I shrug, "Maybe I needed a break."

"Maybe?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"Hey, we are not good enough friends for you to be commenting like that yet." I laugh.

"But we've know each other for years now, Ali. When will it be long enough."

"Claire is the only one who has permission. Well Claire and my teammates." I laugh.

"I'll get on that list soon. Please do try to enjoy the show. I'm glad you are finally catching one." Luke rolls his eyes at me, but it makes me smile. Maybe, just maybe Marty was right that this won't be so bad if I make friends.

"How the fuck did you get her to be nice and actually smile." I hear Ashton chuckle quietly to Luke.

"Ali and I go way back. Don't we, Als?" Luke grins.

"Call me Als one more time and you are gonna meet my bitchy side again, Luke." I glare.

"Can we be friends too, Alison. Please?" Michael frowns, pouting out his lower lip.

"It's a possibility. If your band doesn't suck."

"We don't." Ashton smirks, "And if Luke and Mike get to be your friends then so do I. Please?"

"We'll see. I already have a lot of friends." I smirk.

"Calum too. Can't just not be friends with one of us." Ashton adds quickly.

"Um, ya... maybe." I chuckle awkwardly, avoiding eye contact as I hear Calum sigh heavily.

"What do you have against Calum? Is it the blue hair? Because it's just dye." Ashton frowns at me.

"It's complicated. And very much personal." I shrug.

"How the fuck can it be personal? We met less than two weeks ago and you've hated me since day one." Calum finally steps up, his eyes looking angry.

"We met nearly ten years ago. That's how it's fucking personal. You really haven't got a clue do you?" I scoff.

"Ten years ago? There's no way. I'd remember you." He chuckles angrily.

"January 13th, 2009. Hawkesbury indoor sports facility. Soccer fields 2 and 4." I spit, his face falling as his mind concentrates.

"You know what, Luke, I'll have to catch a different show. I should really get an assignment done before we are on the road all day tomorrow." I sigh, spinning around and hobbling away without caring if they are calling me back.


"What the fuck was she talking about 2009?" I groan as I fall against the couch in the green room, her comment had been bugging me all night.

"She means she fucking went to school with the three of us for years 8, 9, and 10. And you have no idea." Mike sighs.

"Lots of people went to school with us. Why would I remember her over anyone else? And why is she so pissed I don't?"

"Concidering you told her you would remember her and you don't, I'd be asking yourself that question, mate." Luke chuckles.

"Wait, do you guys remember her?" I turn, glancing between the two of them.

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