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"Ready for the party?" Marty grins at me as we head up the slippery walk towards our grandparents home.

"No. Not even a little bit." I chuckle dryly, "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"How am I going to do that, Ali?"

"You're milking that rib hard, don't think I don't know why." I sigh, pushing through the familiar door into the warm house.

"Hey! Marty and Ali made it." Marty's mom Ann grins at us as we step inside.

"Hi!" Marty disregards my comment, hurrying to hug his mom.

"Oh!" I freeze as Marty calls out, "Careful mom, one of the guys on tour and I got into a little scuffle. Calum bruises up my ribs pretty good. Maybe I shouldn't have been such a good trainer for him."

"Oh no." Ann buys his little story... making me roll my eyes.

"Alison. You came!" Mom comes down the stairs interrupting my listening in as she pulls me into a hug.

"Hi, mom. Happy Thanksgiving."

"And to you. I'm so glad you're here, and your knee is better?"

"Working on it. It's a lot better than it was when I saw you in New York though."

"I'm glad to hear it. You'll be back to soccer in the fall?"

"She should be." Marty smiles, inserting himself into the conversation.

"Thanks to this guy."

"I'm so glad you two have had this time to bond again. I hope you've become closer than ever." Mom grins, looking between the two of us.

"Ya." I chuckle, not sure if that's exactly what has happened but mom need not know that Marty is on the outs with me after punching Calum.

"My grandkids!" I jump slightly, my stooped grandfather throwing his arms over Marty's and my shoulders.

"Hi grandpa." We chorus.

"Which if you is ever going to bring someone around so I can get some great grandchildren before I die?"

"Dad. Don't push them, they are still young." Mom laughs.

"Ali, why didn't you bring your boyfriend?" Marty turns, smirking at me, "I mean you haven't left his side in weeks."

"Because it has definitely not been long enough to bring him to Thanksgiving." I smile tight lipped back. This could go to shit real fast and I really hope it doesn't.

"You have a boyfriend, Alison?" Mom almost squeals.


"He has anger issues though." Marty sighs, "He picked a fight with me that turned physical and he used to bully Ali. He's not good for her. And he is going to hurt her."

"No he isn't. You started that fight I know that for a fact. And what happened when we were fourteen has nothing to do with now." I have to swallow the anger rising, I knew this is what he was going to do, and I am pissed he is already making something of it.

"Wait. Ali's boyfriend punched you?" His mom steps in.

"Only after Marty punched him in the face." I quickly answer.

"He started that fight. Do you have any idea how he talks about you when you aren't around? It's disgusting."

"Remember how you threatened him from day one to stay away from me? Or how you basically dictated I never talk to him?"

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