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The room went silent when all the students saw the figure that was infront of Hikari.

" !!! "

Miyuki blushed furiously before quickly backing away from the person that was infront of her.

" Xiang....."

Miyuki whispered before slowly looking up towards the other person that was infront of her .

" G-good morning X-Xiang...."

Hikari couldn't help but just stare at the scene infront of him. Even though the person's back completely blocked the view.

He could sense that Miyuki was nervous and so was the other students.

" ......... "

Silence was all that the other person could answer before suddenly-

* Grab!!*

The other person quickly grabbed upon Hikari's wrist before quickly pulling him up from the ground.

Hikari's eyes widened in complete surprise when he felt the person suddenly pulling him up.

' i know him !!!!'

Hikari mentally shouted before quickly looking at the person again.

He has never saw a person who was actually this much handsome ( excluding Daisuke).

The other person had a pale skin with a strong physical body. He had black hair which was completely messy but that made him looked even more hotter.

Suddenly realisation came tumbling down upon Hikari as he widened his eyes in complete embarrassment.

" Waaah-"

Blushing madly before he could speak any further, the other person quickly pulled him up before quickly exiting the classroom together .


Both Hikari and the other person were currently at the Music room

Hikari sweat dropped before slowly looking up at the person.

" T-thank you for he-helping me out..."

All he could hear was complete silence.

He sweat dropped even more before quickly scratching his head.

" Xi-Xiang Yu,right?"

Hikari smiled awkwardly as he looked up to meet the other person's gaze.

Xiang Yu was younger than Hikari by 2 years apart. He was in the 3rd year currently and also happens to be one of the most popular guy in the school.

He had looks and moreover he had an amazing voice . He was also talented in sports and in his studies, but then Hikari didn't know why everybody was afraid of him.

Hikari kept thinking till suddenly-

Ocean blue eyes stared right directly into his brown eyes.


Hikari blushed furiously before quickly turning his head away.

' Is he deaf or what?!!'

Hikari pretended to look around the room .

' Since he is quite popular, he's quite arrogant. Isn't he?'

Scoffing slightly, Hikari turned away before quickly bowing down.

" T-thank you so much! Ha-have a nice day Yu!"

Quickly bowing as fast as he can. Hikari then quickly marched towards the exit door, fearing that he might missed his next class . But before he could go out-

" You are the only one who calls me by that name...."

Stopping right in his tracks , Hikari could feel his heart beat racing fast.

His cheeks flushed red like an tomato as he felt the person behind him slowly approaching closer and closer.

' I have to keep my cool! I have to keep my cool!!'

Hikari mentally cheered upon himself before slowly turning around to meet the same pair of blue eyes.

" C-cool r-right?"

He smiled awkwardly before looking at Xiang Yu ( A/n- Now the other person will be called as Xiang Yu)

" No, it's not"

Hikari's smile dropped as soon as he the answer.

' T-this kid!!!!'

Mentally shouting from inside, Hikari forced a smile before quickly looking at the door again.

" O-oh! T-then I should go now! I have classes to attend! "

Without even wasting a second, Hikari then quickly dashed towards the door.

' I'm free!!!'

He mentally screamed in victory till he was suddenly pulled away from the door.

" If you go now, then you will probably be bullied again"

Hikari could feel his blood rising up suddenly.

" I don't care!!! Just let me out! I'm getting late dammit! "

Hikari glared before shoving Xiang Yu's hand from his collar.

After shoving him off, Hikari began glaring back at Xiang Yu .


After some few minutes of glaring intensely back at the other person.

Hikari suddenly began feeling nervous.

He was suddenly feeling nervous because Xiang Yu did nothing but only just kept staring at him which was really creeping him out.

" A-are you okay?"

Hikari asked as he slowly backed away a little bit.

No answer was still yet given.

" If you are not going to say anything, then just leave me alone "

Hikari answered irritatingly before quickly walking towards the door.

" Go out with me Hikari"

Right after hearing that, Hikari then quickly stopped right at his tracks before quickly turning towards the other male who was behind in his back.

Obsessed love.( Yandere boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now