As It Began

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It's 1970 in Feltham, west of London. You just finished work at the local dry-cleaners, and were waiting for the bus home. A young man, perhaps around your age was sitting at the bus shelter, scribbling away in his little black notebook. You peered over his shoulder, attempting to catch a glimpse of his writings. His void-like locks bounced, as his earthen eyes met with your's. You looked away quickly, with a face caked in blush. He slammed his notebook shut, tucking it away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." You coyly apologise. He looks up at you, shyly. He hesitantly smiles, briefly revealing his protruding pearls. "That's okay, you didn't startle me. It's just not finished yet." His voice trailed off. Everything fell silent.

"What's your name? Mine's Y/N." You held your hand out. He shook your's gently. "I'm Far..." he paused. "Freddie." He smiled sweetly. "Most people just spit terrible slurs at me. You deal with a lot of lowlifes working at Heathrow." Freddie opened up.
"You're the only one in a while who's even bothered to ask my name."

Your heart sunk for Freddie. No one should have to be treated in such a way. "I'm incredibly sorry to hear that's the case Freddie. You're a human being, and you deserve to be treated as such!" Your blood boiled. Freddie's face beamed. "I'm glad someone treats me like a human." His eyes shone in your direction. Your face softened, exhibiting a charming smirk.

The bus arrived, skirting the gutter. "Where do you get off?" You asked, not wanting to be too nosy. "Harlington Road West, I live on Gladstone Avenue." Freddie replied, nonchalantly. "No way, so do I!" You laughed. "Which number?" He giggled at your excitement. "Twenty-two. Yourself?" He smirked. "Far out! I live across the street. I'm amazed I haven't seen you before." You exclaim. Freddie's eyes wandered off. "I know how to hide, I don't like to make a fuss. Unless you get to know me, that is." He flashed a flirty gaze. Your stomach filled up with butterflies, you both tittered away.

Freddie, and you walked home together. The sky was a cool mauve, lined with flecks of orange; the light bouncing off of the samey brick units. Your hands kept brushing past one another's, making your heart race. You arrived at Gladstone Avenue, it was just about to get dark. "It was really lovely to meet you Y/N." Freddie said bashfully. You deeply blushed. "It's was a pleasure Freddie." He looked at his shoes, and then back at you. "Um, I'm playing a gig on Saturday night. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" You bit your lip, and nodded keenly. "Aw Freddie, I'd love to!" Freddie was smiling from ear to ear. "It's at Truro City Hall at 8pm. We can pick you up, we've got a pretty groovy van." You were absolutely over the moon, you haven't been out in ages. "Sounds fab, Freddie." You say, twirling your hair like a giddy schoolgirl. "I better head inside, my mum hates it when I'm late for dinner." He says, slightly embarrassed. "I hope to see you on Saturday Y/N, goodnight." Freddie leaned down, and planted a tender kiss on your cheek. He lingered, before caressing your shoulder. His smile twinkled as he turned to go inside.

You were left floating, absolutely spellbound by his adorable demeanour. You waltzed over to your house, weaving amongst your family members in a dreamy haze. You could barely sleep, you just wanted Saturday to arrive.

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