Chapter 4 : I'm not gay!

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Chris's POV

After what I saw this morning I wanted to talk about it with someone. Chandler is the vets person to share a secret with since he always keeps it. I should tell him what happened with Jimmy, we're alone in the kitchen, no one can hear us anyway.

"Chandler you'll never believe what I saw this morning" I burst out laughing
"What is it Chris? Has it got to do with any of us?????"
"I walked past Jimmys room only to find him doing it with someone!"
"A-And.. You don't know who that other person was?"
"Unfortunately no. I could only see their back, they had a tattoo below their scruff. I think it was a dying rose? Not sure though." I reply
"I don't think sharing it with others is a good idea. Maybe Jimmy wants to keep his privacy, you know?"
"Yeah, that's why I only told you Chandy."

I pat him on the back and we go back to the dining table. Everyone is eating the chocolate cake dessert when Jimmy is nervously checking his phone. Maybe he realised I saw and told Chandler? Nah, he is probably checking the YouTube monetisation.

Jimmy's POV

Chris just came back smirking and Chandler is as pale as paper. Fuck. What if he knows? How do I explain that I slept with A GUY?? Who's also one of my best friends? I am not gay! Everyone knows that. I really need to figure my life out.

"Guys, I need 3 volunteers for a video idea I had. It's for the prize of 30.000$."
I say already knowing who to pick. I'm Just trying to buy time with Chandler, but if I only take him, it'll be suspicious.
"Okay, Jake, Garrett and Chandler you're coming with me. I've also called Tyler, Ben and Mary Lisa to meet us at our destination. Chris you can call  Markus and Ty for help and go buy some supplies. I need ~...."

We arrive at a small abandoned village  and quickly set up cameras and all the other necessary equipment. I've organised a fake video just to talk with Chandler.
The game was of course, hide and seek.

1 hour into the game

Garrett was always good at hiding, so it won't be weird if I don't find him for at least at couple more hours. Jake keeps on changing hiding spots so it won't be easy finding him either. Mary Lisa must be hiding in a small, tight place and Ben/Tyler have to be in the woods. Chandler must be at one of the bathrooms again.

"Hey everyone, 1 hour has past and Chris and I only found Mary Lisa. To make it more difficult for you, I am closing up the east side of the village, and  it will off limits" I say into the transceiver knowing no one was in that area anyway. Just trying to make this more realistic.

After 10 minutes if Searching I end up finding Chandler hiding in a pantry . I ask the camera man to go alert Chris that Chandler has been found.
We're finally alone again.

"Okay Chandler, we have at least 15 minutes till he meets Chris at the other side off the village. We should be able to talk for a little while" I say nervously
"Jimmy. Chris knows just that you were sleeping with a random person, he has no idea that it was me. I just have to be careful of not showing my tattoo, he saw that" he replies, calming me down.
"I must admit, I am feeling really confused about my sexuality right now"
"Yeah me too Jimmy, but this is nor the time nor place to discuss about that, we need to get going and find the others"

Just before Chandler could leave I pin him against the wall.  The camera slips from my hand and falls down. I don't know what it is that suddenly makes me want to be with Chandler all the time, but right now, I can't control it. He looks so cute when he is nervously breathing against my neck. I can't help it, I start making out with him.  His hands are pulling me in by the shirt and mine run through his hair.

A sudden yell startles us both.

Chris shouts, even tho he could've just told me via the transceiver

Chandler and I run towards the given location.
All I can think is, am I gay?

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