Chapter 1: Tears of Pain

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Italic - Past/ before
Normal - Present


Tears of Pain


I look to him with frown all over my face where you can see how pathetic I am

".... Fine" I mutter and I can see the amusement in his eyes

"Well can you say it out loud~" He playfully smirk grrr

"Yes I will accept your offer whatever it is as long my siblings are ok!" I said trying my best not to say something stupid cuz the situation might be worse

"Hehe nice choice Valt..In that case...." He flick his finger as another two people who I guess are scientist

The other one show up something a syringe as it poke to my arm

"Ohh! What was that!?" I demand

"Well some sort of anesthesia to lessen the pain of the experiments~" He explain like nothing

"Ow... WHAT!" I nearly shout as my heart starting to beat more faster

"Hehe it's ok Valt~ I know you can make it through for the sakes of your family" he smile that starting to creep me out

"Ok now bring him to the laboratory and start the procedure" he command

The other scientist start to stroll my bed to be later on reveal as a Hospital Bed

'I can do this just wait Toko and Nika' I thought and wish that whatever they do... I can manage to do it even it against my own will


I woke up in a new room again... I can see the heart beat monitor state that I'm calm down

I think this kind of room I only see in hospital.

I can see my hair fall down... Yeah I forget I left my headband

My body are not restraint so I can stand up if I want but I hope that's easy

My whole body is in pain and just by little move It hurts

I groan a little as memories of yesterday triggered through my mind...


"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream as another high voltage electricity crackled all over my body

'Uhh m-make i-t s-stop!'

Tears are starting pour down in my eyes as all I feel is PAIN!

My head is hurt to much like it can be tear down in two

I don't know how long I'm here. I just know that I'm strapped down in this cold mettallic table with unknown chemicals piercing through my veins. I don't know how to handle this excruciating agony.

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