Chapter 3: New Encounters

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This will contain different point of perspective and details


New Encounters


Valt Pov

The next morning, the twin and I are now dress up in a normal clothing given by Miss Roswell who really buy us a some kind of expensive clothing.

We are Now at the top of this 4 story building waiting for the arrival of the private Jet. (They are still on Island)

Then after a short wait. I can hear a loud engine from the Sky. Then the Private Jet land.

The door is open and the stairs placed. And standing over there is someone I know. Norman Tarver aka Gold eye.

Miss Roswell smile at us with a recognizable meaning 'Come on' so we follow her


When we got inside, I can see how fancy the inside is. I mentally awed by the looking at this placed... Chase this is the first time I we enter a private jet.

We sit on our designated placed the put the seatbelts. And of course We sit behind each other to make sure everything is fine. Beyond that, Miss Roswell and Norman casually sit too. We're facing each other now that make me twins feel uncomfortable. I glance To Norman where he's looking at me or rather scanning me with his eyes glinting deviously. Even now he never changed.... still look intimidating

(There Position)

Toko | | Miss Roswell
Nika | | Norman
Valt | |

After the tense moment. Someone - Norman - start talking " It's been a long time Aoi, Who thought we will meet again in this unexpected occasion" I can really feel that he's mocking at me

'Ughh If I really had a chance, I will hit this guy' I mentality grunted. The twins can feel I'm annoying but neither of them speak - cause we already talk about this.

"I heard too that you 3 tried to escaped huh. Stupid but bold. And I'm glad that Miss Roswell punished the three of you and look like you 3 are now behave. Nice" He smile smugly then laugh a little

Wait a minute?!

I narrow my eyes and Norman think I'm offended but the truth is I think the statement is wrong

'Miss Roswell only punish me not with the Twins...Did she lie?? Huhh Why? I don't get it?' I question myself and took a quick glance to Miss Roswell who is not even fazed in the current situation. The twins is now looking at the ground while fidgeting there hand - totally uncomfortable as hell

"Well by the way I want to show something" Norman said as he get our attention. He show something in black box behind his back and when he opened it... It show some kind of fancy technology that look like a bracelet.

"I want you 3 to wear this thing as Mr. Glass Order" then he handed the bracelet to each of us. We reached out a wear it in our hand. I scanned this thing, totally not sure what it is

"What This" Nika ask - the first sentence she say since we entered the Jet

"Ok, I will explained this... As a safety precaution, we create this for tracking if something is wrong so you can tell this is a tracking device and Miss Roswell had the tablet connected to the system to know where are you 3... So there is no chance that you 3 will escaped" Norman said and our eyes widen

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