Chapter 5: New Bonds

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I know some you feel bored to this story but don't worry the real game will start in the next chapter so before that... Read this chapter to see the progression.

Ok ready your tissues- Cough Cough I mean nothing


New Bonds


Day 30

"Nii-san How's your day?"

Valt shoot Toko and Nika a difficult expression. They are now in a new room that look like quite luxurious just same in Hatobanari Island just fit for 3 people

" A lot of things happened gosh I met 3 strong bladers and one of them is my training partner and gosh they are so cool their name is Euan, Leo and Darwin and you know what they're not the people who look like a Villian type and you know what surprisingly!? They think This Snake Pit Organization is a nice home! Can't they see those kids - with same age mine - are training in a most cruel methods dhhsjshhshkss-"

"Whoa whoa Nii-san calm down" Toko remind the bluenette to sigh

"Its just I don't understand It's just don't they see that joining this organization is wrong but......" Valt trailed off

"But?" repeat Nika

"I think they really willing joined the Snake Pit and whatever this Organization did... I think they poison their brain or something" Valt mutter

"But we already know that they're tricky like hey they actually made Shu-senpai agree to this... Cause like they said when you really want something, you will do everything even tho your making the wrong way" Nika bitterly said

That's a harsh truth

"Oh by the way.... Is it just me or I'm just seeing things that Nii-san eye is gold?" Toko said and other twin snap her head towards the oldest

Valt blink

"Yeah Toko your right" Nika Muttered while rubbing her eyes to confirm this true

"Ehhh!? So it's really real!" Valt quickly stand up and made his way through the bathroom and look up to mirror

Pair of shining gold eye widen in Surprise

"What happened? Is that a contact lense again? Seriously Miss Roswell covered your birthmark a make up now the eyes too?" ask Toko with Nika seemingly followed their older brother in the bathroom

"No it's not" answered immediately "I think it's some kind of Side effects of my connection to Vla- Valtyrek"

Then Valt explained that they he perform a meditation to meet Valtyrek then after a minute his eyes back to normal brown

"Ohhhh" is the reaction

They are now settled in new big bed and I turned off the lamp

"Uhmm Nii-san?"

"Hmmm??" I look over to Nika

" Can you promise something if one day they asked you to do something that totally against your will and used us again please don't do it" Nika said with a low voice

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