Chapter 11: Unleash

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Uwu Hi guys - I hope you guys are having a nice day 。◕‿◕。

This chapter will have a intense Battle (Maybe) and anything what happen in the battle is just from my research because like I said before.... I never watched Beyblade Burst Series so I just depending on what I just know and action is hard for me so anyway - Enjoy Reading!




<< Day 5: Third Round and Semi Final Round >>

The tension and exciteness in the air is impossible to miss after all, the competition is just getting tougher

"Goodluck boys" Johnny give us a thumbs up

"We'll cheer for you guys" the twins said - thankfully there carefree and hyper attitude is still there

"Thanks twinsies gosh our opponents will be really tough" Darwin said

"Come one guys - we can do this"The captain - Vincent (Valt) said

"Yeah woah I'm nervous at the same time excited" Euan exclaim after all - he will be battle First and his opponent is Free De la Hoya

"By the way boys - Sir Glass will be watching" Johnny said

That certainly change the mood among these bladers - Their boss is here therefore they need to give a him a entertainment - oh boy so much pressure if you can call that



The First battle will be start in any Seconds when eyes catch a glimpse of someone

That ruthless man

"Guys" I scowl that that catch the attention of my friends especially

"Kris everything's fine?" Cuza ask me but I didn't answer and instead lock my eyes on the threat

The others follow my gaze and their eyes widen in second before it turn into hatred glare

"That man is here" Honcho growl

"This man thought he's gonna win but he will not" Wakiya said

"Your right" Shu said with a mix of growled and wariness - memories of the time he spent this manipulate man trigger on his mind and quickly shake his head - he need to focus

"I will Win"

A voice said and we look around to see Free is now ready to fight

A soft smiled plastered on mine

"We will cheer for you" I said and The others nod

Free smile albeit small - the others might not know Free better but for a people know him for longer like me - I know him more than that

The soft looks on his eyes despite the indifference on his face - tells everything. He might hide it carefully but there is one person who see him in another angle even Free want to deny it

It's Valt Aoi

That boy... He held so much surprises that even my lazy friend create a bond with him

I never seen Free so lively before , he looks lighter and other emotions starts to flare up and that's because of him - Valt

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