Chapter 6: Time Passed By 1/2

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Sorry for not updating earlier and OOCness will be seen here

PS: I wont follow the Turbo Canon Line.


Time Passed By 1


Day 300

Dear, Valt

It's been a 12 months since you left and a lot of things happened. The Raging Bulls are still their under my command and I'll make sure to make everything smooth not only that, we also gained a new members cool right? And I hope I really make a good leader

The BC Sol is ok too under Free leadership and he changed! You know how? He is not the lazy boy you met that always sleeping. Now, he's always training with the other members and also give them a nice advices and other things. That is how Honcho describe their situation.

As for the Sunbat United, Wakiya's sassy attitude is lessen. His social skills are improving that make him blended to there people. They also gained other members and Wakiya is also helping the other newbies! Looks like hey really showing his true colors instead of being tsundere hehe.

And for AS Gallus; Daigo Team. Their group is now growing their influence. Daigo is really a good Leader. And remember Ryota? Daigo's brother is now ok and now playing beyblade with his brother in France

To Ken? His friendship with Ben is really something. Ken meet a lot of people in their! Awesome right and his self confidence is now growing too

Not to mention Sword Flame/ Dojo nothing changed its still successful group as ever with a active members of 100! That's overkill. Xander and Ren Wu is really fantastic

But hey! I heard some rumors that is Lui is being a good guy!!! Really surprisingly right??? I'm inclined to believe but I think that's better,Not to mention he's a strict mentor lol that atleast something. Now I also forgive him after what he did to my eye.

Wow a lot of things stay, a lot of things changed and that would be better if your here to witness. Do you know that the Beyblade Evolution increase and become successful. Now I have my own version of Sprizen in Turbo. I hope I can Battle you once against. That would be lot fun.

Your Best Friend,
Shu Kurenai

I wipe the traitorous tears that is planning to escape my eyes as I fold out the paper in 1/8. I walk over closet/cabinet/case where Valt vase/jar placed in and put the small paper in the side

(Azul: I know this is confusing, Me either. I'm not sure if this ok or part of the Japan Culture.

Let's say there's a part of cemetery where the jars - contain the ash - placed in in a small private house like that? Sorry I'm not professional in this kind of things)

I don't know what did I do this. I just want ease my feeling? Or I just miss Valt cause I've been busy in Raging Bulls *shrug*.

Instead of thinking too much. I clean the flowers while are now decaying and replace with the new one I bring. I also do the same for the twins

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