27 | The One With The Outburst

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Madhav drives into the RK mansion as the sun starts to set. He parks his Audi in the garage and walks to the massive double door entrance. He looks around the house and nods approvingly noticing how security has doubled. He rings the bell and a bulky man in a worn-out banyan and a dark pair of shorts opens the door.

"How was your day, sir?" he asks as Madhav walks in.

"Good." Madhav says and comes closer and whispers. "What's the update on the security around the mansion?"

"Sir, we have doubled the security. There are totally 12 new guards. Just five of them are positioned around the house. The other seven, me included are disguised as domestic workers. I am disguised as the assistant to the chef, two more are pool boys, one is a driver, there's two more as gardeners and the last one is a maid."

"Good. Has anyone got suspicious yet?"

"No sir." He says, "But Miss has been looking out at the garden and I think she has noticed the increase in the number of securities guards."

"There's a possibility she might have. We used to have just two and now it's increased to seven." Madhav says scratching his beard. "I'll deal with that. Just ask your team to be extra vigilant especially in the night."

"Also, Ma'am and Sir have organized a grand dinner party in the garden tonight. Sir has invited a few business partners and a few close friends too. They wanted to celebrate your appointment as the CEO and Chairperson of the company.""

"Do you have the guest list?"

"Yes sir. I'll mail it to you shortly." He nods to Madhav.

"Where's Shree?" Madhav asks.

"She's been in Ma'am's room ever since she came. She's in the drawing room with Miss."

* * * * *

"Ma. I need to talk to you!" Madhav announces as he walks into the drawing room. Shree and Yashoda were seated on the marron couch looking at Yashodha's collection of seashells. Shree was wearing a blue kurta with beige leggings and her hair was braided. Yashoda was wearing a green sari and her hair was tied into a messy bun.

"Yeah sure. Come in!" Yashoda says and nods at Shree. Shree stands up and walks out of the room. She doesn't look at him, her eyes remain fixated to the floor.

Madhav walks in and sits on the sofa beside Yashoda.

"I want to tell you something." He started.

"Shree told me that you forced her to resign." Yashoda says crossing her arms. "I am not happy you made her do that."

"I had to. It's not safe to have her outdoors with Shiv Sharma out-"

"Is it the same man who- you know to misbehave with her?" Yashoda asks and Madhav nods. "You're father told me."

" I had him sent to prison and got him a life sentence. I thought that'd be the end of him, until I got a call from the police saying he had escaped. I'm doing all I can to protect Shree from him. Is that wrong?"

"Madhav, you should tell Shree about Shiv." Yashoda says. "You shouldn't let Shree believe that you have something against her working after marriage. You need to tell her why you are doing all this. She's going to misinterpret your actions and develop grudges against you! I believe she has started to misconceive your actions!"

"I can't." He adds. "She'd be too worried, panicked and scared. I don't want that."

"But she needs to know that someone is trying to harm her." Yashoda insists. "So she can be alert and perhaps protect-"

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