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Brooklyn's POV

So I was seated in the passenger side of Zay's car as he drives me to get lunch, and asks me questions, sayin he's tryna get to know me.

"You ever met your ex's parents?" He asked

"Uh no" I said

"What's your fav colour?" He asked

"Blue and Black" I said

"Dream Car?" He asked

"Bentley" I said

"Fuh real?" He asked and I nodded and smiled.

"Okay my turn now" I said as he nodded

"Do you have a gf?"I asked

"Not yet" He said

"Ever had a gf?" I asked

"Naah, I dated a few but it never gotten that far" He said

"Fav Colour?" I asked

"Black and Green" He said

"You have siblings?" I asked

"Had a lil sister but she died when she was 5 in a car accident" He said

"Oh I'm sorry bout dat" I said

"It's ight, you can continue" He said

"Okay, Uh you ever had sex before?" I asked

"Nope" He said

"What?, nigga you lying" I said

"Naah shawdy I'm fuh real, I ain't never had sex in my life, but I had received couple of heads thou" He said

"Well watchu waiting for?" I asked

"I'm waiting fuh you shawdy" He said as I laughed looking at him seeing that he's serious.

"Nigga you want me to take your virginity?" I asked shocked

"Yeah, why not. I mean you fine and all, plus I like you" He said

"Well uh, I uh" I said stuttering

"Haha it's ight shawdy, we don't have to rush it and it can't take long either but I'm ready when you're ready" He said

"Yeah kl" I said. "Why are we not at McDonald as yet? We should've been there like 30mins ago" I said

"Oh I know, but we not going there, we going to Starbucks" He said

"And who decided that witchu, cause I wanna go to McDonalds" I said

"Well you know D and Tae need their privacy and so do we" He said normally

"Uh we, watchu mean bout we?" I asked

"Oh yeah so because you're gonna take my virginity, I decided that you and I should start dating" He said casually

"You decided, what about my opinion?" I asked and he just shrugged.

5minutes later he pulled up at Starbucks.

"Finally" I said while getting out the car stretching. "Feel like I've been sitting on my ass for 4hours, my butt's so tired now" I said while tryna rubbing my butt. Then I felt a pair of hands on my butt rubbing it, then I groan in pleasure.

"Baby you can't be groaning like that in public" Zay said then I snapped out of the pleasure and hit his hands of my butt.

"Stahp" I said

"I don't think you want me to" He said as he put his hands back on my butt and squeezed it as I gasp in shock. Then I brushed pass him while heading into Starbucks because I'm starving, then I heard him chuckle behind me.

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