High school (Junhwan)

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Junhoe's P. O. V.

I didn’t want to go to the first class so I just walked around. Than I saw a guy which had another one trapped between his arms. He stared down at smaller guy. At first I tought about leaving but than the smaller one looked at me I couldn't look away. Than when I felt it, he is my mate,and he is an omega. Than the other guy started kissing his neck. I walked toward them and shooed him away. He was about to argue with me but seeing as he had no chance to win against me he just left. The smaller guy whome I can now fully see.

 The smaller guy whome I can now fully see

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He is so pretty. I than did the same thing as the guy from before. He looked up at me and said "Hi" well he sure as hell is cute. "Hi, so what's your name, mate" he giggled at my confidence than said "Jinhwan" than put his hands around my neck getting closer to my face. "I'm Junhoe" I said and kept looking at his lips. He than pulled his hands away from my neck and got under my arm than stood away from me and said "So you are my mate, not bad" than started walking backwards "Where are you going" I asked him raising my eyebrows. He smiled than said "Well, you see, as you are my mate, and we just met I tought why not play a little" than he started running. Well I didn’t expect that. I than run after him as fast as I could but even with my vampire speed I couldn't get him. Ugh this is harder than I tought. We run around until he finally gave up and sat on the grass. I was so tired so I colapsed on him. He put his arm around me and hugged me as we just laid there. "I didn’t know that werewolves could be this fast" I said as I tried to catch my breath. He laughed at me than said "In my pack I'm the only omega, and I didn’t really get treated like an omega, they treated me like alpha and so as I was weaker than them I had to train extra hard" I smiled at him. Than I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyss falling asleep.

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