You Said A Mom But It's A He?

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Bambam P. O. V.

When Lisa left I quickly run after her and said "So you pranked me, it was pretty good may I say, I was thinking hm do you want to maybe do a prank with me" she stopped walking and turned toward me. I said "That sounds fun, so who are we pranking" she asked. "Well let's prank my dad, I think that they will visit us soon and my dad is very protective of my mom so I thoigh aboit some prank, and my mom love pranks so he can be in it twoo, but since my mom's other husbands are also protective of him we have to tell them about it"she looked at me suprised and said  "Sorry but can you explain me your family, you said mom but it's a he and your dad than other husbands?" I just chuckle sitting down on floor and said "You may want to sit down this is a long story" so she did and I started. "Well my father has 10 brothers so there is 11 of them, they all have same dad which is my grandpa but they all have different mothers. They are all vampires like me and my brothers and when they first came to human world they were already at least 100 years old, however they were sent to human world so that they could decide which one of them will be next king since my grandpa got sick, but there they found a little baby which was Baekhyun my mom, he is a boy, at first they though that he is a human but leter on found out that he is a vampire, than he grew up and left just to come back and some drama happened and then boom he is next queen and he loved all 11 brothers and boom they are married and once again boom the 11 of us made it to this world." when I was done explaining she only nodded still shocked and than we started talking about out plan.

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