High school (Junhao)

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Junhui's P. O. V.

I sat in my class unintrested in anything here. I looked out of the window and saw Bobby having a fight, great. I than raised my hand and asked if I could go to the bathroom. The teaxher nodded so I run out. I looked around the hall while going to the bathroom and let's say I saw some of my brothers but I didn’t mind and just want in the bathroom. After I did what I had to do I went to the sing and washed my hands but than doors oppened and in came one cute as hell boy.

 After I did what I had to do I went to the sing and washed my hands but than doors oppened and in came one cute as hell boy

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But he seemed angry. He glanced at me but didn't say anything and just started cursing under his breath and started washing his hands. I looked at his hands and saw some dry thing, huh. He kept washing it and cursing. When he was done he than whiped them and walked toward the door. I than said "What happened" but the look he gave me, oh God. He turned around and gave me the I want to kill you look. He than said "Some dickhead wanted me to give him a hand job and let's say that the dickhead is our teacher" than made gagging noise and an ew face. I also made an ew face.

He than once again tried to go but I said "WAIT" he gave me the 'wtf you want' look. I said "Ummmmm, so what's your name" he than said "Minghao" and started walking away. I run after him. He looked at me but didn't say anything. From then on I kept following him. After a while he gave me unimpressed look and said "Why the fuck are you following me around" I gave him a nervous smiled and said "Because I can?" he gave me a look but just sighed and continued toward his destination.

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