Don't you want me? - Chandler

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"Someone kiss me right now!" you walk into Monica's apartment and slam the door behind you.

A big sigh rolls over your lips before you look at some of the gang that's sitting at the kitchen table. "I volunteer." Chandler puts his hand in the air and you sigh before walking over towards the couch.

"What's wrong with you?" Monica asks and you mumble something but your faced down on a pillow so it's not understandable.

"Excuse me?"

"Nobody wants me.. I finally thought that the cute guy from work was going to ask for my number but no, turns out he just wanted to ask me the number of my friend from work."

"Oh.. Sweetie. I'm sorry." Rachel walks up to you and sits down besides you on the couch.

You move a little so you can put your head in her lap, she softly starts to run a hand through your hair making you close your eyes. "You'll find someone.. everybody will eventually." Monica says, making Rachel and you give her a weird look for saying that.

"What?" she asks, as she sees you two approaching her in the kitchen.

"Why are you so positive all of the sudden? You are normally the one who always thinks she will never find someone." Rachel keeps that questionable look on her face. "I'm not.. I can be positive." she says before grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"She's seeing someone." Joey says, making us all turn our heads towards him.

"Joey!" Monica warns him but it doesn't face him. "I caught her on a date in one of the restaurants where I normally take my dates to." he explains.

"Monica.. I expected way more from you." Ross says in shock.

"Yeah, the restaurant sucked.. I- Oh heyy not cool man!" Joey finally catches on and punches Ross on the shoulder.

"I didn't choose the place, he did, the food sucked but he was very nice." Monica says, she has this big smile on her face and it makes you smile aswell.

"Monice is in lovee.." Phoebe says, dragging out the L-word and it makes Monica sigh.

"I'm not, we only know eachother for a week." she says. "I only need ten seconds to fall in love, remember the mail man."

"Oh we remember, Pheebs." Chandler chuckles awkwardly, it makes you feel awkward aswell as you think about it.

"You told him that you were in love with him on your first date." Rachel makes us all remember. "Well, I was!" Phoebe defends herself to Rachel before sighing deeply.

"I wish I could fall in love.." you murmer as you sit down onto Phoebe's lap because all the chairs are occupied. You let your head rest onto your hand and get a glimpse of Chandler.

"Tell her man." Joey mumbles what is followed by Chandler covering his mouth with his hand.

"I have to go now." Monica announces, making us all look at her as she grabs her purse and jacket from of the coat rack. "Wait.. where are you going?" Ross asks. "Yeah, young lady... don't think that you get to just go anywhere without our permission." Chandler jokes, making you laugh.

"I have another date." she says before quickly leaving the apartment so you don't get to ask her any more questions, smart move.

"So.. who's down to go and watch a movie. I heard they play a great new history movie in the cinema."

"That sounds boring.. we're going to see a movie but we'll be watching the new comedy one." Joey tells Ross before standing up.

"I'm not going.. don't feel like it."

"Well Chandler's also not going." Joey says, making Chandler stop in his tracks towards the door. "He's not?" he asks, with a confused look on his face. "No.. he's not!" Joey whisper-yells, he signals something to him with his face expression but you're to far away to see what it is.

Everybody's gone to the movies, except for you and Chandler. You have been sitting down at the kitchen table for a while now, he has been making some jokes to make you feel better.

"So.. I have to ask you something."

You stop your laughter before looking back up into his eyes. "What is it?" you ask, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" he spits out.

"What?" you ask, being very confused and not knowing if he's still joking or if this is serious. His face looks quite serious so this must mean that he actually wants to take you out on a date.

It's not what you had expect to happen, Chandler has been your friend for a while but you never really thought of him in that way. Well.. he is handsome and he makes your day everytime by making you laugh. Maybe this could work.

"You don't have to.. It's stupid, I-"

"No. I would love that, Chandler." he looks back up and a surprised look forms itself on his face.

"Really? Don't joke with me on this subject because I'm very emotionally unstable." a laugh escapes your lips before taking his hand that was resting onto the table infront of you.

"I'm not joking.. I would love to go on a date with you."

A smile crawls onto his face as he brings your hand to his face so he can press a little kiss on it, it makes you blush.

Could he be the one?

Another cute Chandler one.
I'll take requests so if you have a fun idea you can comment it or send it to me :)

Lots of love,

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