Let's See Where This'll Go (4)

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"Oi, Todoroki," Bakugou called out bringing everyone's attention to him. "You're with me."

It was not a question. It was a statement, one that I could not say no to. Slowly but surely I walked to his side. The others stayed frozen, surprise by his action before finally snapping back and choosing partners of their own. We stood together silently watching everyone pairing up. Questions buzzed in my head. Was he not going to bring up what happened earlier? Why pick me and not one of his classmates that were in his squad?


Why was I so submissive to come with him? I hope he didn't pick up on it. "Don't half ass this like you did earlier. Give it everything you got," he ordered without looking at me, and watched the others.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. Earlier in the fight, I didn't use my left side at all till the very end. I didn't even use my right side in the beginning of the sparring. "I'll give more than what I have," I offered feeling the same spark coming back to me from earlier. A malice smirk ran across his face, and the spark seemed to grow in my chest. I swear, what is this feeling. Honestly, WHY COULDN'T SHIN HAVE JUST TOLD ME!

'I'll just let you figure this one out' my ass.

"Alright class draw out your positions," he ordered and a podium like box raised from the ground. Bakugou and I pulled out a hero card, which I don't know if it really mattered for him, he could pull off both to be honest. We got onto the bus and found a silent agreement to sit next to each other.

We chose our seats at the back of the bus and I took the window seat. Outside there was a little white bunny with a black spot over its left eye hopping around before hiding away in the bushes. I couldn't help but find it funny. My eyes focused away from the bush, and to the window, staring at my reflection. That stupid song from earlier rang through my head as I stared at my eyes.

"Eyes like yours can't look away"

The bus started moving taking away the thoughts of the punching bag incident from this morning. "Why were you up so early?" Bakugou suddenly asked.

Was that what's been on his mind since the sparring? Well I guess it'd be a good place to start a conversation. I've been rather curious to see who he is under all that anger he bares.

"I've had a lot on my mind. Training always helps clear my head," I answer sorta truthfully. It's been a hell of a rollercoaster ride the past week from the new change of surrounding and the news of Shin moving. I don't exactly plan on letting anyone else in on my nightmares. It's my problem to deal with.

"At five in the morning?" his rugged voice asked with his arms casually crossed. That's when I noticed his gauntlets were on the ground.

"It's a routine I have at home. We regularly wake up at that time to train. I thought it'd be good to have some normalcy with the change of things." Well that's sorta of a lie. Yeah the change is great. I can see Shin more often and escape the hell of home, but it is a bit stressful since all I have ever known were beatings and harsh lectures. I never knew home was supposed to be a place full of love and affection till I met Shin. He was sorta able to fill in the hole that I'd been missing as a brother, but it still wasn't the same. I was missing a different type of... what's it called? Love? Such a foreign word in my world. I just can't get use to the thought of someone touching me as a type of affection of love and care. So 'normal' has been out the window pretty much since I was born. The attention is also been a huge change that I'm going to have to get use to.

Wait a minute, now that I think about it it's not exactly 'normal' for teens to wake up early in the morning, I grew up with having to, so why does he choose too. "Why were you there so early?" I ask.

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