1.First Encounter

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Those were my first year days... I still remember those boring anat classes and stinky dissection hall...Lol!but had lot's of fun... and irritating physiology labs...but somehow I liked biochemistry...frst few months of my first year were okay not much interesting... I was totally into studies.. going home reading..next day mrng coming back to dissection hall on time...as my anatomy hod was "seriously strict"...but i liked her..only because of her,I used to read ...bcoz i didn't want that embarrassment when she shoots up with any questions...but unfortunately I didn't get that chance...
As my days were going on..on some random evng after my biochemistry lab which was on a Monday, just saw a guy beside my friend..she was my stretchermate krithi..that guy beside her was tall wore some light green formal shirt and a navy blue trouser... just gave a look and was wondering who it could be maybe her frnd or cousin .. or maybe.......  Finally I stopped those thoughts.... I was still wondering why the hell should I know about him..is there anything spl about him?  just gave a pause...and left from clg in an autorickshaw ...still thinking about that green shirt guy...
Actually he was good.. as I was self centered and slightly egoistic 😂...."let it be,I'm much more clever and smart... shdnt waste time by thinking all such nonsense"...was the explanation given by myself to me....

After few months... where I totally forgot about that green shirt guy and didn't even bother to ask my friend...there was a first encounter with him...just with my eyes....never had such an experience...he was sitting opposite to our bench in biochemistry lecture hall...me and my another frnd yashika were sitting in a bench somewhere in the middle and krithi was in some other  bench infront of us...... I was just talking to yashika  she was to my right and boys benches were also towards right.... suddenly my gaze got distracted...some sort of magnetic eyes were disturbing me...when i saw  clearly it was that green shirt guy again...i immediately tore my sight from him ...but many questions just galloped in my head.... I was a bit happy dunno why...maybe he was staring at me...and there was also a fear what if he is staring at my friend.. I was really confused... didn't know what sort of feeling was that...to comfort myself I used to believe that it was me...but I started teasing my frnd..." Hey that guy is staring at u... what's the matter huh?" In a excited tone used to ask yashika....but never stopped comforting me and teasing her 😂

After a few days I've asked krithi his name...she said Karthik.." hmm sounds interesting...is he from ur inter clg?"..krithi looked towards me in a confused look" ya Karthik is from my college...why is there any problem?"..in a embarrassing look" noo..just like that... I saw him 2 months back near our clg gate again I saw him today just wanted to ask nthng much"...to cover it up.." just got a doubt is he from our class our not"...as he was damn tall and crazy looking.......she just laughed and said" huh .. setting ah 😂... I just cut her words went away with a smile on my face......2 more months done staring was common but there wasn't any clarity...yashika who was beside me was my inter frnd too so I sat beside her daily in classroom...and krithi was sitting  infront of me...our bond started growing near stretcher as she was nice chirpy, understanding frnd...but whenever he stared at me I used to have that special feeling... I used to be totally concious and never concentrated in class... but always had decent record of marks....those days were magical.

Then came my bday...26 th may...after all those midnight msgs from family and frndz...woke up late in the mrng...but there was a real surprise..it was from him...never expected it  which gave me a 1000 watts smile......

Journey begins 😘😘😘😘....for more journey... continue reading

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