6. Tour

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Holidays started... I was busy packing luggage for my tour, but my mind wasn't cool... only thought which disturbed me a lot was karthik giving party to junior girls...it was so annoying for me... I don't know the exact reason for my restlessness... I texted him in frustration... " Hey hai, enjoyed huh?" Was my first text msg...he didn't recognize my frustration he replied normally .. slowly my frustration turned into anger... I started texting him as if I owned him and asked him the reason for the party....he said that those girls were like his sisters, that's it ... I started teasing him with those girls very badly so that he might open up and ask me why I was so much bothered about it. Unfortunately he didn't... I was very upset with him and decided to keep calm... I became busy with my luggage packing....

Our tour was for 15 days.. I was very much excited... finally I had to leave to railway station to board the train. With me, my brother came for send off... I got a msg from karthik he said happy journey and asked me to stay safe and also reminded me to not to go near water bodies... I felt it was sweet but I tried to maintain that anger mood with him and said okay... finally I waved bye to my brother and I caught up with my friends...it was so damn fun with them... finally after long train journey we landed up in delhi...after sight seeing and one day stay in Delhi we went to Amritsar... we visited wagah border,golden temple...from amritsar we went to many places...Dharmashala, kulu Manali,dehradun,mussorie,jim Corbett,nainital,haridwar,agra etc..this trip was so fun ..we did river rafting, paragliding etc...and of course clicked  hundreds of pics 😝.... daily Kartik texted me at least twice to find out whether I was fine or not....even I texted him frequently and used to give him all updates of our tour...

Once he sent my WhatsApp sticker to me...that was made by my monkey fam frndz...he also texted me that I was cute in it... I had a confused feeling bcoz I was very funny in that sticker and also had that happy blush feeling within me...when I was in kulu manali me and my frndz played truth or dare...most of the times I chose truth 😝...but then there was a question from my frndz that whom would I choose from the following as my husband.. their options had Karthik.. without any hesitation I said Karthik 🤩...it was so spontaneous for me , my friends  started teasing me more after knowing my answer, I couldn't even help out in that situation..but I liked the fact that my subconscious memory had truth in it...

When I was in nainital he texted me that he wanted to call me... I was excited for his initiation so without any second thought I said yes... I wanted to maintain that call as secret so, without anyone's notice I managed to talk to him...we spoke for nearly 36 mins I still remember our duration... that convo was very sweet...it was all random stuff but I enjoyed it...he spoke so well with me and I totally got trust in him...my insecurity feeling which I built up in me bcoz of his party to those girls has vanished..all because his growing closeness towards me... after that call krithi got a doubt and asked my phone she thought that I was taking to my parents but she saw my call log and our texts she was very much startled and asked me what's cooking between us.. I said nothing and took away my phone... I couldn't answer her because I know that something was between us but we never admitted to each other so I was not in a stage to name our connection...so I kept quiet... after sometime there was an another msg from him..he sent me an insta meme..it had a couple talking on phone to each other for long hours  and also had a quotation in it ..." Time flies away when I'm engaged with ur sweet voice"...after seeing this I was very happy and it had no boundaries... I felt that Karthik had a soft corner towards me...but wasn't sure...

But I was very much sure that he too had some feelings towards me but I don't know whether he exactly had  same feelings as I had... I was in a confused state... I couldn't ask him directly but day by day our chats became somewhat lovely.. we frequently texted each other.... I always had his updates and he had mine too... I liked that feeling in me..

Finally it was the  last day of our tour we visited agra fort and then we reached delhi airport and boarded our flight to hyd...we enjoyed so much and I was still in my tour memories...

After reaching home I texted karthik he was happy that I came back safely....that day evening we were texting normally, suddenly he popped up with a statement, a statement from him Which changed my life....

What is it?????

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